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Site work for a water / sewer project in Carrboro, North Carolina. Design plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of October 23, 2024, this project is in the design phase. A timeline for construction has not yet been established. Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) is requesting qualifications from consulting engineering firms interested in providing design, permitting, bidding, construction administration and inspection services for the improvement of 3 existing creek crossings in the OWASA sanitary sewer collection system. Project site locations are shown on the attached maps. All firms submitting qualifications must have demonstrated experience and expertise in the design and permitting of creek crossings upgrades and streambank stabilization. The list of services below outline what OWASA feels is required to achieve the project objectives. However, the final scope of services will be negotiated with the selected engineering firm and may include modified and/or additional tasks. 1) Planning services may include: a) Field evaluations b) Preliminary plans and cost estimates 2) Design services may include: a) Developing detailed plans and cost estimates for each creek crossing location b) Ensuring compliance with all relevant regulatory and industry standards c) Permitting d) Coordination with Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Carrboro, and other agencies, as needed e) Coordination with other identified stakeholders f) Advertisement and bidding support 3) Construction services may include: a) Construction inspection b) Construction administration c) Assistance with stakeholder engagement and communications d) Preparation of Record Drawings and other closeout information Draft and final plans, reports, etc. will be provided in electronic and hard copy formats in a manner acceptable to and usable by OWASA. The actual list and format of deliverables will be negotiated with the selected firm. Submittals (including resumes) shall be limited to a maximum of 10 double-sided pages (i.e., 20 pages printed double-sided onto 10 sheets of 8-1/2"x11" paper). Please note that all Submittals shall become public documents upon delivery to OWASA. If there is sensitive or confidential information that cannot be shared publicly, please include additional documentation along with your submittal. All questions regarding this Request for Qualifications must be emailed on or before Tuesday, August 22, 2023, to Mr. Berger at


Water / Sewer


Public - County

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April 1, 2025


Multiple Locations, Carrboro, NC

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