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Published August 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The City of Lookout Mountain is soliciting submissions for professional engineering services for the complete rehabilitation of the existing Chickamauga Trail Sewage Pump Station No. 1 as well as its ancillary structures and areas. The general scope of work, includes but is not limited to the items below and is subject to change as the final design is brought to fruition: extended sewage by-pass pumping operation, 8-inch ductile iron force main rehabilitation (+-7,460 linear feet of cleaning via the "Ice-Pigging" Method), installation of separate overflow wells for increased system capacity, complete concrete wet-well and concrete valve pit structural repair/rehabilitation per accepted industry standards, the application of a 125 mil (minimum) protective structural epoxy liner system, complete replacement of all existing wet-well submersible pumps, valves, pump mounting hardware, internal ductile iron piping with new stainless steel sewer appurtenances of higher standard and quality, addition of two (2) ARI stainless steel combination air release valves with concrete vault retrofit, replacement of all existing combination air/vacuum release valves on the existing 8-inch ductile iron force main, all new electrical controls, ultrasonic level control system with back-up level system, complete upgrade of existing 6’x 6’ pump station control panel (or at the City's option, replacement of existing control panel with a factory-new control panel), new SCADA system (system wide), properly disconnect & remove existing Kohler 200 NG back-up generator, purchase, delivery, and off-loading of the new Kohler back-up generator, installation of a new back-up generator, installation of a new carbon air scrubber system (vapor phase odor control system), yard aggregate re-surfacing, 8 ft. wood privacy fence including lockable gate including all required erosion & sediment control BMP’s and final stabilization. This shall include all professional engineering services necessary for the financing and completion of the project, including but not limited to the following: preparation of the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and Environmental Assessment (EA), preparation of construction plans and specifications for bidding and construction purposes, receiving all appropriate approvals from State and Federal review and funding agencies, bidding and negotiation services, construction contract preparation, on-site construction administration/inspection, complete set of electronic (PDF and CAD) and printed record drawings, and complete project close out. All plans, specifications and other work product for which the City will be paying will be the property of the City. All inquiries and questions regarding this RFP shall be in writing and directed to: Brad Haven, Senior Operations Manager bradhaven@lookoutmtnga.com The deadline for submission of any questions shall be Friday, August 18, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, and no questions shall be answered until after the deadline has elapsed. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, extend the deadline for submission of proposals, and call for new proposals. The City reserves the right to accept, reject and/or negotiate any and all proposals or parts of proposals deemed by the City Council to be in the best interest of citizens of the City of Lookout Mountain.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 28, 2024


Chickamauga Trail, Lookout Mountain, GA

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