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Published August 31, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charleston, West Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This agreement will also include load rating analysis of structures. Load Ratings could be a stand-alone agreement or part of the inspection. Firms should indicate whether or not they are capable of both. The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the District or Operations Division. In-Service Bridge and r Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition Potential project assignments will be scheduled for work September 2023 through August 2024, with the possibility of a one year extension.. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Multiple firms may be selected for this work. Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a "Letter of Qualification" and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to DOHMaintenanceLOQ@wv.gov prior to 4:00 p.m. on September 13, 2023. As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors: 1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia. That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and Tunnel Inspection to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project. As a minimum, the firm shall provide a R sum of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project. Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed. 3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm's ability to accomplish the work within the Department's required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 4. The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and r National Tunnel Inspection and must meet the approval of the Operations Division. 5. The Consultants' Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and r Tunnel Inspections to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 6. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. 7. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Consultant's office relative to the project site along with past experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department. In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items: 1. A completed copy of the Division's Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 2. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed. 3. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division. 4. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 13, 2023

October 13, 2023


Multiple Locations, Charleston, WV

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