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Site work for a water / sewer project in Fairfax, Oklahoma. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of June 21, 2024 no bids received for this project. As of this time it is unknown if an when project will rebid. The primary work elements ("the Work") includes but is not limited to the following: Provide all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to install a new 3-inch HDPE bypass prior to the installation of the new intertie assembly; remove the existing intertie assembly within existing utility vault; replace existing intertie assembly with a new 4-inch intertie assembly; install a new sink with one (1) eyewash station, a new handrail, a new 3-rung rebar step ladder, a new chlorination drum and a pump storage cabinet, and electrical work for relocating a duplex outlet and surface mounted light. The completed Work will also require a hydrostatic pressure test and disinfection of the new bypass pipeline and the new intertie pipeline. The Project is located southeast of the town of Fairfax, Oklahoma and west of the Grayhorse Village within an Indian Electric Cooperative Easement on Assessor Parcel No. 19-24-06-00200, located at the southeast corner of County Road 6925 and County Road 6018 (Roberson Addition Road). The Work shall be completed no later than thirty-one (31) Days after the commencement date established by DOCUMENT 00550 - NOTICE TO PROCEED A certified check, cashier's check or bid bond equal to five percent (5%) of the bid, which shall be deposited with the Procurement Officer as a guaranty Construction Performance Bond, in the Penal Sum of 100% of the Contractor's Bid as Accepted, to Guarantee Faithful PerformanceOf the Work; And 1. Corporate Surety Bond, in the Form of Document 00620 - Construction Labor And Material Payment Bond, in the Penal Sum of 100% of the Contractor's Bid as Accepted, To Guarantee Payment of Wages for Services Engaged and of Bills Contracted for Materials, Supplies, And Equipment Used in Performance of the Work. The successful Bidder must comply with all applicable Osage Nation, federal, and State of Oklahoma labor codes provisions pertaining to the payment of prevailing wages applicable to the Project, and related requirements contained in this Project Manual. Davis-Bacon wage rates are applicable to this Project. Question Deadline 04/19/2024

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work




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Co Rd 6018 & County Rd 6925, Fairfax, OK

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