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Published September 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000255374 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/09/15 12:00:00 AM CDT Bid Intent Deadline 2023/09/11 11:00:00 AM CDT Pricing Lump sum Boeing Canada Winnipeg invites qualified proponents to submit a proposal for Building General Maintenance Contract Services, and is seeking to enter into a contract for a two (2) year period. Boeing currently has a workforce of approx. 1500 employees with considerable presence of contract labour, which supports a 24/7/365 manufacturing operation. The contractor must be available as required for shift work, shutdowns, weekend work, and emergencies at Boeing Canada Winnipeg as directed by authorized Boeing on-site activities representative (OAR) or on-site manager.Provide emergency response time of less than (4) hours. Average manpower is expected to be 1-3 employees depending on workload (not guaranteed) most likely including: 1 Forman (as required) 1-2 Assistants Examples of contractor duties may include, but not be limited to: •Overhead door maintenance and repair of Rite-Hite brand high speed roll up doors, metal Cornell roll up doors and standard insulated panel overhead doors. •Industrial racking - supply, build, tear down, move, repair and construct guards to protectracks from mobile equipment damage. •Maintenance of building exterior and interior finishes including metal cladding/flashingdrywall and painting, ceiling tiles, various repairs. •Installation of partitions for safety and security, forklift guard rails •Personnel door maintenance, repair and supply •Installation of OLT stands and jib cranes •Light metal fabrication, supply of structural steel products fabricated to W59.1 standard. •Custom fabrication •Construction of clean rooms, cure rooms, storage rooms, etc. •Installation and maintenance of loading dock seals and Dok-Loc devices•Commercial flooring, tiles, carpet installation and repair •Factory/ office renovations •Installation of hording, fencing for construction/ production areas •Installation of floor mounted moving line guide systems •Transportation of products and equipment within the factory and around the site •Concrete repair, construction of sidewalks, curbs Possible sub-contracting services that may be required are, overhead door repair, structural engineering support and structural steel welding. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


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99 Murray Park Rd, Winnipeg, MB

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