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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000255597 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/09/19 02:00:00 PM EDT Bid Intent Deadline 2023/09/14 03:00:00 PM EDT Pricing Lump sum General: The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit bids from qualified contractors to clear the ROW of trees and vegetation under two distinct categories of work as follows and, potentially, at two distinct time intervals, as described further below: Part A. Swath Clearing: clear cut and mulch all vegetation to ground level by mechanical means. Swath Clearing shall be done for 10 meters on either side of the centerline of the ROW for a total width of 20 meters and a total length of approximately 6.0 km. No chemicals, including herbicides, are to be used for this clearing. Part B. Selective Clearing: cut at ground level select trees by manual means. Selective Clearing shall be conducted outside the 20-meter clear-cut swath for the balance of the width of the ROW and for the total length of approximately 6.0 km. No chemicals, including herbicides, are to be used for this clearing. Bidders may submit proposals to carry out either one or both parts of this RFQ. The Corporation reserves the right to award different parts to different bidders, as further identified herein. Part A. Swath Clearing: The objective for Swath Clearing is to clear-cut to ground level the designated 20 m wide swath centered along the centerline of the ROW for the full length of the ROW and in accordance with the Tree Management Plan. All vegetation and trees within this swath is to be cleared by mechanical means. Any wood smaller than 4" diameter is to be mulched and left in place on the ROW. Wood larger than 4" diameter is to be cut into manageable lengths and piled at edge of the cleared swath. Part B. Selective Clearing: The objective for Selective Clearing is to manually cut at ground level, within the balance of the ROW beyond the Swath Clearing corridor, any trees that, as a species, have the ability to grow more than 10 m in height ("Target Trees"). All such trees within the Selective Clearing zone are to be cut in accordance with the Tree Management Plan. less than 4" DBH: trees and tree parts less than 4" diameter shall be cut and chipped on site. The wood chips shall be spread out along the ROW and not piled up in any one area. 4" to 12" DBH: cut at ground level, cut and chip branches and parts less than 4" diameter, cut remaining logs into manageable lengths and pile them up at the edge of the ROW; • 12" to 24" DBH: cut at ground level, cut and chip branches and parts less than 4" diameter, cut remaining logs into manageable lengths and pile them up at the edge of the ROW; greater than 24" DBH: cut at ground level, cut and chip branches and parts less than 4" diameter, cut remaining logs into manageable lengths and pile them up at the edge of the ROW; The Contractor shall complete, on a daily basis, a quantity certificate for signature by the Administrator that identifies the quantity of trees cut in each size category listed above each day (the "Daily Quantity Certificate"). Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 25, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Sault Ste. Marie, ON

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