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Published February 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a water / sewer project in Yorktown Heights, New York. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
As of February 6, 2025, a consultant has been selected for the project. The county is still exploring options regarding the project. A firm timeline has not been established. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: (Any questions are due on September 20, 2023 at 3:00 pm.) If you have any questions and need further information or clarification, please contact Suzette Lopane at Westchester County Planning Department (914) 995-2443. Project Site Description Hilltop Hanover Farm was acquired by Westchester County in 2003 to be used as an environmental center. The property consists of 57 acres of farmland and 123 acres of forested land. In the past, this site was a working farm. Four wells exist on the site, see Figure 1 for additional information. Scope of Work The intent of this work is to provide stable and consistent irrigation for the existing farm fields and the current proposed expansion of those fields. The current field size is 10 acres with a planned expansion of 1 acre. The intent is to provide a system that can supply irrigation at a rate of 27,000gpd for current uses and up to 36,000gpd for the expansion. All possible solutions should be considered in the analysis phase of the project, including any upgrades needed for underutilized wells, drilling existing wells to a deeper depth, and any electrical and water piping infrastructure needed. The existing irrigation booster pump and housing should be upgraded to handle the proposed expansion. The current electrical conduit to the recently replaced booster pump is substandard. In addition, the booster pump should have protection from weather; a small shed or other minimal structure should be considered. The irrigation tanks should be upgraded with a wireless communication system. Or County Responsibilities The County will provide the consultant with access to the site as needed/requested once the contract has been signed. The site and utility plan will also be provided in Autocad 2022. Miscellaneous All Analysis/Detailed Construction Drawing work must be completed and a final product must be received within two hundred forty (240) days from the date of authorization to proceed. The consultant will be required to hold his quoted price for 45 days from the deadline for submitting quotes. Consultants shall provide a detailed proposal with a proposed cost per each task listed above. No additional fees shall be paid for other cost such as deliverables, borings, test pits, or other reimbursable cost (travel, mailing, printing etc.) All cost shall be included in the cost of each task. The engineer selected for this project will be familiar with the municipal bid process for construction projects as set forth by the laws of the State of New York. Brief resumes of the principal in charge and the key technical personnel who will be assigned to this project. Provide the experience of these personnel as it relates to this project. Demonstrate experience from previous similar projects by your firm. Provide names and telephone numbers of at least three work references who can attest to your ability to complete the project. In considering the fee proposal for this project, the engineer should consider the time necessary to meet with County Parks and DPW staff and the DOH to acquire the necessary information for design of this project. The basis for selection of an engineer will be based on the following: Qualifications of the firm for the type of project described herein, design approach, past performances and references, and fee proposal. Appropriate Insurance shall be required.
Water / Sewer
Public - County
Site Work
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December 1, 2025
1271 hanover street, Yorktown Heights, NY
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Hilltop Hanover Farm Well and Irrigation System Upgrade - Westchester County
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