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Published December 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, renovation and addition to a library in Havertown, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a library; for the renovation of a library; and for site work for a library.

Bid date extended from 10/24/2023 to 10/26/2023. Haverford Township seeks sealed bids for the renovation and expansion of the Haverford Township Free Library located at 1601 Darby Road, Havertown, PA. The project consists of an approx. 39,000 SF renovation and an approx. 5,000 SF expansion with related sitework. Bids will be received for the following contracts: Contract 1 General Construction Contract 2 Plumbing and Fire Protection Construction Contract 3 HVAC Construction Contract 4 Electrical Construction Approx. Project Schedule is as follows: Bids Due:October 24, 2023 Construction Start:November 27, 2023 Construction Completion:February 28, 2025 Bids must be accompanied by a certified check, certified bank treasureraEUR(TM)s check, bank cashieraEUR(TM)s check or bid bond in the form included with the bid documents. A satisfactory corporate surety shall provide security in an amount equal to at least (10%) of the total price bid including alternates made payable to the Owner. This Project is governed by the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code constituting public works and is subject to applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Rates, the Haverford Township Responsible Contractor Ordinance, and all other applicable Acts. No contractor is permitted to participate in the Project who has been suspended or debarred by the federal government preventing them from being legally allowed to participate in federal awards. All proposals shall be irrevocable for sixty (60) days after bid opening date, unless delayed due to required approvals of another governmental agency, sale of bonds, or the award of a grant or grants, in which case bids shall be irrevocable for one hundred twenty (120) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all informalities, defects, errors, omissions, mistakes or irregularities in proposals, to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof and to make awards as may be deemed in its best interest. New users are to send email addresses for all participants seeking access to the documents to Eric Trainer and Dan Quaintance at Bernardon at etrainer@bernardon.com and dquaintance@bernardon.com who will provide a link to the BIM 360 document folder within two (2) business days. New users who do not currently have BIM 360 accounts will need to create a new account (at no cost to user). Only participants who have been granted access to the BIM 360 document folder will be notified of addenda. All bidders are advised that they use the documents contained on this website at their own risk and are expected to check periodically for any addenda or revisions that may be posted. Any questions in regard to access to the BIM 360 document folder should be addressed to Eric Trainer at 302-498-9084 or Dan Quaintance at 302-498-6079 or at the email addresses listed above. Construction Documents are available for review at the Haverford Township Administration Building, 1014 Darby Road, Havertown, PA 19083. Emailed questions should be directed to: Bernardon, Attn: Eric Trainer, etrainer@bernardon.com and copied to Dan Quaintance, dquaintance@bernardoncom. No verbal or phone inquiries will be answered. All bidder questions must be submitted no later than Noon on Friday, October 12, 2023. All questions will be addressed and final addenda to be provided by end of day, Tuesday October 17, 2023

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Public - City

Addition, Renovation, Site Work





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October 26, 2023

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1601 Darby Rd, Havertown, PA

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Renovation and Expansion of the Haverford Township Free Library

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