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Published December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a fire / police facility in Reading, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a fire / police facility; for the demolition of a fire / police facility; for the renovation of a 2,092-square-foot fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. The existing police office area is about 1500 SF of the existing Township building. Much of this area will be renovated. An addition of about 600 SF will include a locker room area, restrooms, a shower, armory, and records storage. The addition is proposed to be Type 2B Construction, and the Occupancy will continue as a Group B per the 2018 IBC. Work includes limited site development to accommodate the new addition, new ceilings throughout most areas, new lighting, expansion of the existing mechanical systems, etc. B. Type of Contract: 1. Project will be constructed under coordinated, concurrent multiple prime contracts. See Division 01 Section "Multiple Contract Summary" for a description of work included under each of the Prime Contracts to be performed concurrently with, and in close coordination to, work performed on the Project between the Owner and Prime Contractors. The Prime Contractors' bid includes all materials, labor, management, transportation, tools, equipment, and services for the Project as required for a complete and satisfactory job. Each Contractor shall coordinate its work with the other Contractors for the work to be performed in proper construction sequences, in accordance with the Project schedule to achieve project milestones and Substantial Completion dates. a. Contract No. 1: General Construction b. Contract No. 2: Plumbing Construction c. Contract No. 3: HVAC Construction d. Contract No. 4: Electrical Construction C. Summary by Reference: The work can be summarized by reference to the requirements of the various Contract Documents, which in turn make reference to the requirements of other applicable provisions which control or influence the work; and these references can be summarized but are not necessarily limited to the following: 1. The General Conditions, which are bound herewith. 2. The Drawings, which are listed in a "Schedule of Drawings" as of the date of these Contract Documents, and bound herewith. 3. The Specification Sections, which are bound herewith and are listed in the "Table of Contents" bound herewith. 4. The Addenda and Modifications to the Contract Documents, which will be distributed electronically. 5. The documentation of separate contracts, which include Project work that is not work of this Contract, and are provided for reference to all bidders. Each Contractor shall become familiar with other Sections of the Specifications insofar as they apply hereto and affect their work and shall also cooperate to the fullest extent with other Contractors to permit orderly and expeditious procedure in executing the work. 6. Other work, by the Owner or by other separate contracts, which is in connection with the project and is related with the work of the prime contracts of this project. 7. Governing regulations, which have a bearing on the performance of the Work; copies can be obtained from or reviewed at the Local, State or Federal Agency responsible for the regulation in each case. 8. Submittals, copies of which shall be retained by the Contractor at the site. 9. Miscellaneous elements of information having a bearing on the performance of the Work, such as weather forecasts and reports of general trade union negotiations; copies must be obtained by the Contractor through normal channels of information. 10. Measurements: When new work is to connect to existing work, verify dimensions and elevations of existing work. Any discrepancy between Drawings and/or Specifications and existing General Construction - $730,000 Plumbing Construction - $80,000 HVAC Construction - $160,000 Electrical Construction - $120,000 The undersigned reserves the right to waive informalities, irregularities, defects, errors, or omissions in Bids, or to reject all Bids or parts thereof. BID 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - Purcell construction - 557000 BID 2 - PLUMBING - Garden spot mechanical - 89000 BID 3 - HVAC - M & M Facility services - 264000 BID 4 - ELECTRICAL - Hirneisen electric - 139000


Fire / Police


Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work





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1069 Old Bernville Rd, Reading, PA

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Police Office Addition & Renovations

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