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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Doraville, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Final Deliverable As previously stated, the primary goal of this RFQ is to provide an Action Plan with strategies and projects for the participating jurisdictions that can be implemented within a 1–5-year timeframe. These projects should be low-cost but high-impact, and should be designed to maximize the amount of benefit for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users on Buford Highway. Ideally, the projects would be able to be accomplished through primarily local means, through cooperation between partner jurisdictions, private development, and the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), and without the need for additional funding from federal or state entities. Vision(s) for Buford Highway The current reality of Buford Highway is that it has high volumes of all kinds of traffic, but it is only built for one kind of traffic. With up to 3 car travel lanes in each direction, in addition to sporadic center turn lanes, deceleration lanes, and slip lanes, the road serves as an imposing barrier both to cross and traverse for anyone not in a car. Though Buford Highway is an important corridor in each of the participating jurisdictions, the reality is that the future vision for each city and county may be different depending on the realities of how each place has and will develop. Some places, like Doraville and Norcross, have historic and existing city centers directly adjacent to Buford Highway. In other places, while the road may be more distant from the urban cores, it is still a vital link with Atlanta and other parts of the metro region. The plan should analyze the stated vision for Buford Highway in each partner jurisdiction, and provide a summary vision for what role SR-13 should play in each place. Adding + Repairing Sidewalks In many places on the corridor sidewalks are currently missing or degraded to the point where they are unusable. This includes places where they are overgrown, buried, and/or cracked and crumbling to the point of being nonexistent. One of the most important short-term projects is identifying these locations, providing guidance on what is needed to correct, and the complexity of said corrections. The Action Plan should give priority to projects that involve minimal or no utility work. The applicant should plan to use the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) standards, which typically recommend 6–10-foot widths for sidewalks.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 30, 2024


Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA

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