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Published November 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Davenport, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Scope of services/rfp requirements O it is the vendor's responsibility to ensure the play equipment being proposed fits within The proposed site plan for all use zones. Proposed site plan is included in the bid Documents. The city is open to making any minor modifications to the site plan that may Be required to better accommodate any particular equipment type being proposed. O play equipment delivery shall be to the parks and recreation storage facility located at 232 s. Marquette st, davenport, iowa. O upon request, the city shall make available digital files in cad format to assist vendors In preparing a proposed equipment layout. O all renderings of proposed play equipment should be shown using the color palette of Silver, royal blue and white. Actual colors of ordered playgrounds will vary and will be Determined with the successful vendor. O a public input process may be conducted to determine successful vendor. Failure to Provide rendering(s) of proposed play equipment in the requested colors (silver, royal blue, White) may result in the dismissal of the proposal. O by submitting a proposal to this rfp, the vendor consents to their rendering(s) of Proposed play equipment being used in public input sessions. Purpose The city of davenport, iowa (hereafter referred to as "City") invites qualified vendors to submit Proposals for play equipment as part of a new inclusive playground amenity at emeis park (located at 4500 w. Locust street). Submittals will be evaluated on the criteria outlined in the "Selection criteria" section of this rfp by a selection committee comprised of city staff. Proposals determined to be most responsive by the selection committee may have their Renderings used in a public input session to determine the successful vendor. It is the intention Of the city to award the contract to the vendor that ranks highest through these processes. Project summary It is the city's intent to install a new adaptive and inclusive playground amenity at emeis park (located at 4500 w. Locust street) comprised of both modular and freestanding play elements as Part of a replacement for the existing aging equipment and in accordance with an accompanying New site plan. The city intends to contract with the firm awarded this rfp for the design and Purchase of the proposed equipment which will then be integrated in accordance with the Proposed site plan. A separate contract will be issued for bid at a date tbd that integrates the Site plan construction and installation of the purchased play equipment from the awarded vendor Of this rfp. The budget for the proposed inclusive play equipment is approximately $200,000 with flexibility To add or subtract equipment depending on available post site work budget. This city intends to Place the order for the play equipment from the awarded vendor in early 2024. Funding for this project is from the american rescue plan act (arpa) and shall adhere to all Guidelines and conditions prescribed by this program. Questions regarding the requested services shall be submitted through the city of davenport Electronic submission system by Wednesday, october 18, 2023 @ 10:00 am ct. Answers to questions, if any, will be posted on the city's ebidding system with the proposal documents by friday, october 20, 2023 @ 3:00 pm Ct. It is the vendors responsibility to review the answers provided.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

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November 2, 2023

December 4, 2023


4500 W Locust St, Davenport, IA

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