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Published November 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in DeWitt, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

HOUSING REHABILITATION OF 17 PROJECTS: 1) HVAC, 2) siding, 3) cement, 4) windows, 5) roofing, 6) water heater, 7) insulation, 8) electrical, 9) bathroom remodel, 10) restore historic windows, 11) miscellaneous repairs/construction and 6 lead hazard reduction at each home- mostly painting and one includes siding You are invited to bid on the housing rehabilitation of the structures located at the listed addresses in the City of DeWitt, IA in accordance with the specifications detailed in the accompanying rehabilitation material In general, the work consists of general construction, roof, siding, cement, HVAC, insulation, water heater, bathroom remodel, electrical, painting and windows. A Line Item Construction Bid will be received for each project. A notice to proceed will be issued within 10 days of bid opening. Minority and women-owned businesses are always encouraged to participate. No performance bond is required. This invitation is given and published pursuant to authorization of the City of DeWitt and the Owners. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity or to accept any bid which best serves the interest of the Owners. All requested attachments to the bid must be attached as stated within the individual bids. Bid-Results:- 1. Fletder Land- Bizz's B - $16,606 2. Obermann Land- Bizz's B -$ 20,156 3. Holst land-Bizz's B-$24,556 4. Rung Land-Bizz's B-$406 5. Santos Land-Bizz's B-$58,406 6. Lang Land-JABS-$10,825 7. Melaad Land-Bizz's B-$4,706 8. Roofing- ACE-$20,406 9. Windows-ACE-$58,765 10. Eletrical- Garg Eletrical-$3239 11.Bathroom Rouodel:- JABS-$12,575 12. Misc Work-ACE-$5700 13 Insulation-JABS-$3575 14.Water Heater- Air Control-$1461 15. Cement-ACE-$22500 16. HVAC-Air Control-$7180 17. Siding-Bizz's B-$34106 18. Holst window- JABS-$5975 Project Awarded to Gary's Eletrical-$3239


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 30, 2023

November 29, 2023


Multiple Locations, DeWitt, IA

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