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Published October 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Telluride, Colorado. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000333265 The Town of Telluride (Town) is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified consulting firms with expertise in master planning, building improvements, design, retrofits, and planning for the Telluride Municipal Facilities Master Plan Project. The project will include, but is not limited to: Inventory, assess, and document identified Town of Telluride real estate assets. Identify current and future office and operational space needs by department and property. Document development opportunities for each property, these opportunities may or may not include employee housing integrated within facility expansion. Develop a Municipal Facilities Master Plan, including cost analysis, potential funding sources, construction sequencing, phasing of building improvements, etc., that solves our space needs. Develop a Conceptual Architectural Plan for new office space. Develop a twenty-year capital plan for building maintenance with cost estimates by CSI division, based on facility assessment. Award Requirements - All or None Award Questions and clarifications related to the project should be directed to Zoe Dohnal, Deputy Town Manager. *The Town reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or accept what is, in its judgment, the Proposal which is in the Town's best interest. The Town further reserves the right, in the best interests of the Town, to waive any technical defects or irregularities in any and all Proposals submitted.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFP - Town of Telluride Municipal Facilities Master Plan Project

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