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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Providence, Rhode Island. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) solicits Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms ("Consultant") interested in providing professional engineering services associated with the evaluation, planning, design and construction administration for immediate and long-term upgrades to NBC's wastewater solids ("Biosolids") management facilities at the Field's Point and Bucklin Point Wastewater Treatment Facilities ("WWTFs"). NBC biosolids facilities are currently contract-operated by a third-party under an agreement which expires in the Spring of 2026. At such time, NBC anticipates biosolids processing facilities at both WWTFs will be owned, operated, and maintained by NBC. NBC intends to rehabilitate the existing facilities asneeded for immediate-term operation while also planning for phased, long-term biosolids processing facility upgrades. Through the issuance of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), it is NBC's intent to hire a qualified engineering firm, or team of firms, to complete the project's initial Study and Report Phase Services, which entail a comprehensive evaluation and condition assessment of both WWTFs biosolids processing facilities, with emphasis on biosolids processing equipment and their ancillary system components. The results of the evaluation and assessment will be used to formulate a program of prioritized, immediate-term rehabilitation and operating recommendations needed to ensure the reliable and efficient operation and performance of existing facilities under NBC management. Due to the approaching expiration of NBC's existing biosolids operations and processing contract, immediate-term work associated with improving existing facilities at both plants must be prioritized and expedited. Subsequently, upon authorization, the Study and Report Phase Services will also include development of initial recommendations for appropriate long-term, centralized biosolids processing needs to manage all wastewater solids produced by NBC, along with any ancillary wastewater facility modifications. NBC anticipates that biosolids hauling and ultimate disposal will be handled via a third party in both the immediate-term and long-term scenarios. This RFQ generally describes the project, its anticipated scope of services, the requisite firm and staff experience on related projects, NBC requirements, and other information that must be included in the respondent's SOQs. Respondents are encouraged to organize their written response to highlight all relevant project and staff experience and expertise, staffing availability and commitment, schedule and the engineering firm's understanding and approach to satisfy all the needs of this project in a timely manner. Failure to submit information in accordance with the RFQ requirements may be cause for disqualification. The respondent's SOQ shall include project-specific, tailored descriptions of the firm/team's expertise in all relevant practice disciplines required to complete the engineering services associated with this assignment. The NBC shall select a professional design Consultant in accordance with the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank (RIIB)/State Revolving Fund Guidelines and other federal guidelines to ensure that this project can be funded through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program administered by the RIIB and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM). The NBC will conduct a Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) process to identify the most qualified firm with which to negotiate a contract (i.e. Professional Services Agreement). All firms submitting qualification must have recently demonstrated experience and expertise in all relevant aspects of the project. The NBC shall review all SOQs, rate the respondents, and then negotiate a detailed scope of work and compensation price Agreement with the most qualified respondent. The selected respondent should be prepared to submit a detailed scope of work and cost proposal within two weeks after being selected for the project. This scope of work and cost proposal should not be submitted with the respondent's Statement of Qualifications. If an Agreement cannot be reached with the highest-rated respondent, NBC may then elect to negotiate with the second highest-rated respondent. The NBC expects that the Consultant will use its experience and knowledge to make recommendations and refine the project's scope of work, as needed, to satisfy all NBC objectives for the project. The initial contract for this assignment will be limited to the project's Study and Report Phase services. If the NBC is satisfied with selected Consultant's completed Study and Report Phase services, the NBC may, at its discretion, elect to extend the Contract to provide subsequent Design and Construction Phase engineering services. SCOPE OF WORK General It is anticipated that the project sequence of work will follow a traditional planning-design-bidbuild format, with additional services as needed. A detailed scope of work for the project will be finalized following the submission of the respondent's SOQ and during the subsequent RFP tender phase of the procurement. The objective of this procurement is to solicit and negotiate an appropriately detailed scope of work and cost proposal from the preferred qualified Consultant. The selected Consultant shall provide traditional multi-disciplinary wastewater engineering services appropriate to the project such as, but not limited to, assessment, planning, design, permitting, regulatory coordination, bidding assistance, construction administration, start-up and commissioning services, operator training, testing assistance and limited inspection support services. It is expected that the Consultant shall complete all needed services in a timely manner and in accordance with the project's mutually agreed upon work schedule, with specific emphasis on the timeliness of needed immediate-term rehabilitation/repairs. It is the intent of this solicitation that a consistent quality of experienced professional services be provided throughout all phases of the project. The purpose of the project's initial Study and Report Phase work is to thoroughly examine the existing condition of the biosolids management facilities at both NBC WWTFs and work with NBC staff to expeditiously develop an appropriate plan of needed repairs and rehabilitation to ensure the reliable operation and performance of the biosolids handling systems for at least a 10- year period following expiration of the current third-party operations contract. In developing the project's proposed work plan for various facility components, it is important to evaluate key decision-making factors such as but not limited to: remaining service life; equipment criticality; equipment and process redundancy; potential risks and consequence of failure; opinions of probable costs; projected lead-times for needed equipment and/or system rehabilitation, modifications and replacement; and maintenance of current plant operations. The second phase of the project, after NBC authorization and completion of the project's initial evaluation and condition assessment scope of work, will focus on developing recommended improvements for long-term biosolids processing facility improvements or modifications needed to best manage NBC's residual biosolids needs for 25+ years following the immediate-term improvements. Provided below is a general listing of the various items which may be included in the project's detailed scope of work (to be determined after selection). o Project Management and Administration o Project Coordination o Quality Control and Management o Study and Report Phase o Phase I: Immediate-Term Recommendations Existing Condition Assessment (emphasis on process equipment and ancillary components) Rehabilitation/Replacement Recommendations O&M Transition Recommendations (Staffing, Regulatory, etc.) Implementation Schedule and Opinion of Probable Cost Immediate-Term Basis of Design Report o Phase II: Subsequent Long-Term Recommendations Review of NBC-Preferred Biosolids Management Technologies Biosolids Process Train Recommendations Preliminary Design Drawings Implementation Schedule and Opinion of Probable Cost (Capital and O&M costs) Long-Term Basis of Design Report and Facility Plan Amendment o Detailed Design Phase (Optional Task) o At NBC's direction, Consultant shall prepare appropriately detailed preliminary and final design for both immediate- and long-term biosolids facility upgrades. o It is anticipated that Phase I immediate-term design will advance to Detailed Design prior to completion of the Phase II long-term Study and Report phase. o Detailed Design would include all intermediate design documents and related appurtenances (i.e., 30%, 60%, 90% plans) and final Issued for Construction (IFC) documents (design plans, technical specifications, opinion of probable construction cost estimates, schedule, regulatory approvals, permitting applications, etc.). o Bidding Phase (Optional Task) o Construction Phase (Optional Task) o Operational Phase (Optional Task) o Operations and Maintenance Manual Updates o Development of Record Drawings o Facility Startup, Training, and Certification o Additional Services o During work on this project, it may become apparent to either the NBC or the Consultant that Additional Services not included in the basic scope of services are desired. The Consultant will undertake to provide such Additional Services upon NBC's written authorization. MBE/WBE Requirements It is the policy of the NBC that minority business enterprises, as defined in RIGL 37-14.1-3 and 37-2.2, be given the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of the work being procured. The NBC has established a goal to make all efforts to allocate fifteen percent (15%) of the contract value for Rhode Island certified MBE/WBE participation, where it has been determined that subcontract opportunities exist and certified MBE/WBE contractors are available. Of that fifteen percent (15%), minority business enterprises (MBE) owned and controlled by a minority owner, as defined in 37-14.1-3, shall be awarded a minimum of sevenand one-half percent (7.5%), and minority business enterprises owned and controlled by a woman (WBE) shall be awarded a minimum of seven- and one-half percent (7.5%). MBE/WBE's are encouraged to participate as prime consultants, individuals, subcontractors, partnerships and joint ventures. The respondent shall indicate in the SOQ if this goal will be met and provide the names of any MBE/WBE firms that will be part of their team and their respective percent participation. Should a firm be selected and not meet this goal, a written explanation as to why the goal could not be met will be required. Provide a statement indicating whether or not the firm will meet the NBC's goals. If the statement is not provided the respondent's SOQ will be deemed nonresponsive. The NBC anticipates that this project will be funded by loan proceeds from the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) and other sources. The selected Consultant must comply with the requirements of both programs, including, but not limited to, the State of Rhode Island's Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program and the USEPA's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank has a 15% MBE participation goal of the total value of the work. The participation goals for the EPA/WIFIA programs for MBE and WBE participation are in accordance with the US Department of Labor Federal Office of Contract Compliance Program requirements, the current Fair Share Objective Agreement established between the USEPA and the state of Rhode Island. Perspective Consultants are responsible for satisfying all local, state and federal requirements. Written questions received by 4:00 PM local time on November 3, 2023 will be responded to in writing (via email) to all firms issued RFQs. All correspondence shall be sent to David C. Bowen, P.E., Engineering Manager at Only questions answered by formal written addenda will be binding. Oral and other clarifications or interpretations will be without legal effect. Addenda will be emailed to all parties who have requested a copy of the RFQ.


Water / Sewer


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November 15, 2024


To Be Determined, Providence, RI

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