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Published October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Indianapolis, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

of Work 1. The Architect/Engineer (A/E) firm shall furnish professional services for 100% design and construction documents to Improve the Radiation Oncology Department at the Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Indianapolis, IN. The improvements shall include replacing the HVAC system (AHU-22 and AHU-23), replacing the skylight, new entry in the department doors with electronic opening, updating staff restroom (B-B020), updating patient restroom (B-B028) to ADA complaint and renovation 2 offices (B-B016 & B-B017). The design must include Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction/Bid Documents per the A/E Design Submission Instructions Documents, Construction Administration Services, Technical Specifications and Cost Estimates. Any design must allow for the continuous operation of the Radiation Oncology department with minimal disruptions to the delivery of patient care. 2. Design Considerations for this project: Provide a description of the existing and proposed HVAC system and equipment, to include the mechanical condition and any functional deficiencies of existing equipment. Include specific recommendations for the HVAC needs of the project in accordance with latest ASHRAE Standards and VA criteria. Investigate the availability of utilities (electricity, steam, chilled and hot water) for the HVAC equipment and provide description of their status. Provide locations and placement of HVAC equipment, including any outdoor equipment, which will be subject to VA approval. Provide complete engineering criteria and rationale used for selecting a particular HVAC system, including life cycle cost analysis. Coordinate with the VA HVAC Design Manual to determine the restrictions on the system type and capacity limitations. Include all zone level and space level assumptions and parameters to be used in the analysis. Develop a detailed phasing plan for the execution of all HVAC work, to include demolition, equipment placement and coordination with electrical, plumbing, sheet metal, fire alarm, controls, and insulation disciplines. Include infection control and life safety procedures. Shut down plans shall be included as a part of the phasing plan, detailing what will be effected by the shut downs. Radiation Oncology does not operate on weekends, which should be taken into consideration when developing the phasing and shut down plan. Provide the airflow and water flow balance of the AHUs, to include system support components, such as heat exchangers, chilled water supply, circulation pumps and all distribution ductwork, including general and dedicated exhaust. Provide description of the existing and proposed skylight system and structure. Develop a detailed phasing plan for execution of the skylight to include the demolition, placement, and coordination with roofing disciplines. Provide description of existing and proposed main entrance door including air flow balance report of the space prior to the new doors being installed and once the new doors are installed. Develop plan for electrical and tying into fire alarm system. Provide description of the existing and proposed modifications for both architectural electrical, mechanical and plumbing for the restrooms and office spaces listed in the above . Replacement of the skylight must be conducted with minimal disruption to radiation oncology and must be done outside hours of operation. The replacement skylight shall be similar in size and construction but shall include measures to prevent snow build up. 3. The period of is 184 days from notice to proceed to completion. 4. Subject project address is 1481 W. 10th St, Indianapolis IN 46202-2803. Selection Criteria. 5. The government will evaluate each potential contractor under the terms of its: Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory of required services; Specialized experience and technical competence in the type of work required, including, where appropriate, experience in energy conservation, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and the use of recovered materials; Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time; Past on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with schedules; in the general geographical area of the project and knowledge of the locality of the project; provided, that application of this criterion leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms, given the nature and size of the project. Experience in construction period services to include professional field inspections during the construction period, review of construction submittals, support in answering requests for information during the construction period, and support of construction contract changes to include drafting statements of work, and cost estimates shall be included as an evaluation criterion when construction period services is included in the statement of work for A-E services. 6. Submittal Instructions. Mailed or physical/hard copies will not be accepted. All eligible, interested and capable contractors shall submit an electronic copy of their SF330s, via email, by the closing time/date of this announcement. Send submissions to the contract specialist: Brian.Rosciszewski@VA.gov. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.




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November 27, 2024


1481 W 10th St, Indianapolis, IN

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