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Renovation of a theater / auditorium in Fishersville, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a theater / auditorium.

Sealed bids are invited for the Watson Auditorium Seating Replacement project in Fishersville, Virginia. The project is generally described as the replacement of auditorium seating, auditorium flooring (concrete sealing/repair), carpet replacement, painting, and installation of acoustical panels. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LEVEL 1 ALTERATION: REPLACE INTERIOR COMPONENTS IN KIND WITH SIMILAR UPDATED SYSTEMS REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ALL FIXED AUDITORIUM SEATING, CARPET, AND ACOUSTIC WALL TREATMENT, PREPPING AND REFINISHING EXISTING AUDITORIUM WOOD TRIM, PREPPING AND PAINTING WALLS AND CEILINGS AS SCHEDULED AT THE EXISTING AUDITORIUM AND ADJACENT SPACES AS SHOWN IN WATSON ACTIVITIES BUILDING #802 ON THE WILSON WORKFORCE AND REHABILITATION CENTER CAMPUS. AUDITORIUM REPLACEMENT SEATS ARE WIDER THAN THE EXISTING SEATS BEING REMOVED. CONSEQUENTLY, THE NUMBER OF FIXED SEATS WILL BE REDUCED FROM THE EXISTING 499 SEAT LAYOUT BEING REMOVED, TO A NEW408 SEAT LAYOUT WITH THE WIDER SEATS AS SHOWN ON SHEET A112. THE NEW 408 FIXED SEAT CONFIGURATION AND PLACEMENT WILL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE EXISTING 499 FIXED SEAT CONFIGURATION AND PLACEMENT AREAS IN THE AUDITORIUM. THE EXISTING AISLES AND CIRCULATION PATTERN IN THE AUDITORIUM ARE TO REMAIN UNCHANGED AS SHOWN. ALL EXISTING INGRESS/EGRESS COMPONENTS TO AND FROM THE SPACE ARE TO REMAIN UNCHANGED AS SHOWN. Question Deadline 10/31/2023 Bidders must so act to assure that questions reach the A/E A. The Work shall be as indicated in the Contract Documents, prepared for this project, which includes: 1. Replacement of auditorium seating, auditorium flooring (concrete sealing/repair), carpet replacement and installation of acoustical panels. 2. Construction schedule per Bid Form. B. All work shown on Drawings and/or called for in these Specifications shall be performed under the General Contract, unless specifically noted to the contrary in the Contract Documents. All work shall comply with the 2018 Virginia Existing Building Code, 2018 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and all referenced codes and the CPSM 2022 Edition, Rev.1, 2/14/23. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is the Commonwealth of Virginia DEB and their associated agencies. C. All work shall be conducted in such a manner as to not disrupt services and occupancy of all Toilets and all occupied spaces from 5:00AM-12:00Midnight each day, 7 days through week. No work shall be performed in area of Auditorium seven (7) days prior to graduation and on graduation days. All work within existing Auditorium shall be coordinated with Owner. Contractor shall mobilize sufficiently to erect/install all required internal construction barriers and exterior perimeter fencing, coordinated with Owner occupancy. These mobilization activities shall allow the Owner occupancy of remaining building and site outside of work area to allow occupancy following Christmas Break and return of students and staff. D. Coordinate the work of all trades. Coordinate all submittals and deliveries for GCs own work as well as for all subcontractors so as to avoid delays in the progress of the Work. E. Coordinate construction operations included under various sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connections and operation. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain best results where installation of one part of work depends on installation of other components before or after its own installation. Coordinate installation of different components to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service and repair. Make proper provisions to accommodate items schedules for later installation. F. Require the installer of each major component to inspect both the substrate and conditions under which work will be performed. Do not permit work to proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner.


Theaters / Auditoriums


Public - State/Provincial





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394 Hornet Rd, Fishersville, VA

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