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Published October 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gimli, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000258554 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/11/17 12:00:00 PM CST Term: 2023/12/15 01:00:00 PM EST - 2024/03/29 01:00:00 PM EDT Option: Or as per proponents schedule The objective of this study is to identify the status of the collection system capacity and the treatment capacity left at the GWWTP. In addition, recommendations are to be provided as to what process systems need to be expanded to accommodate current & future development. The Rural Municipality of Gimli has issued this Request for Proposal to complete the following Project Scope: The project scope is to determine the current loading and remaining capacity of the collection & treatment systems, along with other tasks that may be ascribed throughout the process. 1. The Trevino Trail Lift Station was put in the ground, but the mechanical systems were not installed to make the lift station functional. To connect more people in the south region the RM needs to know what the capacity of the Trevino Trail Lift Station is and determine what the cost would be to complete the mechanical and electrical installation to place the lift station in service. 2. Determine whether its feasible to convert the collection system in the south from low pressure to a gravity system and provide recommendations. 3. Investigate the feasibility and provide recommendations for adding a septic dump station at the Trevino Trail Lift Station to have all loads south of Husavik or Willow Creek dump there. This option may serve as a method of equalization into GWWTP. 4. Determine whether the low-pressure line that is currently installed as far as Husavik Rd is large enough to accept more capacity. 5. If we add more servicing to the south end of the RM it needs to go to South Beach lift station so there may need to be aeration or some form of corrosion/odour control at that location. 6. The RM has an unused equalization cell located at the truck haul station that could be used to increase the equalization capacity of the headworks that needs to be included in the study. Investigate the feasibility and provide recommendations to increase the septic receiving capacity at the GWWTP. 7. The RM also has a low-pressure line going to Pelican Beach LS that could be diverted to the Diageo line to reduce the load on Pelican Beach. At high lake levels it struggles and the manholes in that drainage ditch along Thompson Drive need to be sealed better. 8. Provide recommendations to upgrade the Headworks odour control systems. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 15, 2023


Multiple Locations, Gimli, MB

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