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The Napa County Office of Emergency Services is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to update the existing 2020 Napa County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Questions Due November 1, 2023 by 5:00 pm pt Question about this RFP shall be submitted via email and be referred to: Brieanna Jones A Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP) forms the foundation for a community's long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and break the cycle of repeated disaster damage and subsequent reconstruction. Napa County has five jurisdictions and multiple special districts to be included in the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The planning process necessary to develop the MJHMP is an important component to create a framework for risk-based decision making and thereby reducing damage to property and the economy from future disasters. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires local governments to develop and submit mitigation plans for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval, as a condition of receiving Hazard Mitigation Grant Program project grants or Pre-Disaster Mitigation project grants. These plans must be updated on a regular cycle to maintain eligibility for disaster-related funding. Scope of services to be performed: To include but not limited to. 1. Organizing Resources: The primary objective for this phase is to identify all resources within Napa County government that can be utilized throughout the facilitated planning effort to identify the County's probable hazards and mitigation actions to address those hazards. Most important is developing the personnel resources within the County Departments and other organizations from the Operational Area to serve on the MJHMP Planning Committee. The Contractor shall assist in this phase. The Contractor will also work with the Lead Project Planner to develop and implement a public involvement strategy that will meet the statutory requirements of Section 201.6, 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and also meet the requirements of the FEMA and Community Rating System (CRS) programs. 2. Hazard Identification and Profiling: The Contractor will compile and review available existing plans, studies, and data available from local, state, and federal sources and work with the MJHMP Planning Committee to identify all probable hazards that affect the County. County staff and planning team members will work with the Contractor to compile the available information sorted by type of hazard to develop the hazard profiles, which will include a description, location, extent, previous occurrences, and future occurrences. As much as possible, the Contractor will include graphics and generate Geographic Information System (GIS) based maps that will illustrate the extent and location of each hazard, as well as other available information, within the defined planning area. 3. Vulnerability Analysis: The objective of this task is to develop an overall summary of the County's vulnerability to and potential impacts of each hazard. To do this, an accurate inventory of the types and numbers of buildings, infrastructure, and critical facilities will be compiled. A starting point for this information will be the Safety Elements of the General Plans of the County, which are required to have such information. Local staff will be interviewed by the Contractor on the accuracy and need to update the information, and necessary updating will be conducted by the Contractor with local staff assistance. FEMA's Hazus (computer program from FEMA that estimates potential losses during a disaster) will be used to generate level 2 vulnerability assessments for the earthquake and flood hazards. While wildfire is a well known risk to Napa County, Hazus is limited generating vulnerability assessments, however, the Contractor should explore Napa County's vulnerability to wildfire by use of other existing Napa County plan such as Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). A goal of this task will be to develop a parcel level inventory of vulnerable structures. Once the hazard identification and profiling and vulnerability analyses have been completed, the Contractor will organize a public workshop to present the findings. The objective of this task is to inform the general public of the planning process, the identified hazards, and obtain public input/comment and additional data/information for the MJHMP Update. 4. Develop Mitigation Actions: The objective of this task is to develop a mitigation plan that includes mitigation actions to address each of the identified hazards to ensure loss reduction. The Contractor will work closely with the MJHMP Planning Committee to identify goals and objectives, as well as mitigation actions. Past and current goals/objectives/mitigation actions will be reviewed, and new goals/objectives/mitigation actions will be identified. The Contractor will work with the MJHMP Planning Committee to compile information and data to develop the Capabilities Assessment. Once all mitigation actions are identified, the Contractor and MJHMP Planning Committee will work together to determine how each mitigation action will be implemented and administered. The responsible department/agency, potential funding sources, and implementation timeline will be outlined for each mitigation action. To ensure compliance with NFIP and CRS, flood mitigation actions will be identified to enhance the County's CRS class. 5. Prepare Draft Plan: The principal objective of this entire project is to submit an updated plan to California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and FEMA Region IX that will meet FEMA's criteria for updates to local hazard mitigation plans and thus provide a new Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA) eligibility window. The MJHMP Update will also include elements of a floodplain management plan that meets CRS for Napa County. Under this phase, the Contractor and the planning team will assemble the updated plan utilizing all updated or enhanced data generated in the performance descriptions in Sections B-1 through B-4. The Contractor will ensure that each required component is included in the plan. The plan will include plan maintenance procedures for scheduled monitoring, evaluating, and updating the plan. The plan will also identify the process for incorporating the plan's requirements into other planning mechanisms. Throughout the planning process, the Contractor will work closely with County staff as the plan is prepared with deliverables associated with each milestone. An Administrative Draft will be prepared by the Contractor for HMSC team review. Based on comments received from the County staff on the Administrative Draft, the Contractor will prepare the Public Review Draft for the public review period. 6. Plan Review and Revision for Plan Adoption: The Public Review Draft will be made available publicly (via online and copy at the local County libraries) by the Contractor for review to interested parties and general. A public workshop will be held with the assistance of the Contractor to describe and obtain public comment/input on the plan. The Contractor along with the County will review all comments received during the public review period and make appropriate amendments to the plan. The Contractor will provide all required content for development of the Final Draft Plan to be submitted to the Napa County Board of Supervisors (Board) for Plan Adoption. The formal County adoption of the Final Draft MJHMP will be an agenda item at a public Board Meeting. 7. FEMA Submittal and Approval: The Contractor along with the County will review all comments received from the Board and the public at the Board Meeting and make appropriate amendments to the Plan. The Contractor will provide all required content for development of the Final MJHMP for submittal to Cal OES and FEMA for review. The Contractor will also compile and include supporting documentation (e.g., official resolution) as part of the Final MJHMP and will then complete the FEMA Crosswalk Reference Document and submit to both Cal OES and FEMA for approval and CRS review. The Contractor will prepare Napa County's worksheets for credit under CRS Activity 510 - Floodplain Management Planning and assist in making sure that all of the County's creditable CRS points are properly calculated and documented. If the updated MJHMP does not receive FEMA approval after Cal OES and FEMA review has been completed, the Contractor will review FEMA "required revision" comments provided in the Crosswalk Reference Document and perform all "required" follow-on tasks to finalize the updated MJHMP for FEMA approval and CRS review. The County will take the lead on incorporating "recommended revision" comments, which are NOT required for approval, into the Updated MJHMP. In the event that FEMA approval process extends beyond the contract period of performance, the County will modify the performance period as a no cost adjustment to the County. 8. Deliverables: The Contractor shall provide the County the following deliverables: o Up to 30 copies of meeting materials (ie agenda, handouts, previous meeting notes) for all meetings o Electronic copies of the interim draft deliverables throughout the planning process o Up to 15 copies of the Final plan (hard bound with tabs) o Electronic Files of Final Plan: one (1) Word format and one (1) PDF format Napa County Property: All materials gathered and developed in the performance of this work shall be the property of Napa County and shall not be used or distributed by the Contractor without specific permission the County's designated representative. County Responsibility: A. Appoint a project manager to coordinate project activities for the County and who will identify at least 4 to 5 members for the planning team and at least one member from each jurisdiction and special district included in the plan. B. Assist in organizing the user and technical support personnel meetings. C. Ensure, to the best of its ability, that the Contractor is given access to the necessary documents, statistics, personnel and facilities



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November 27, 2024


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