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Site work for a road / highway in Sandy, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Sandy City is accepting bids to repair approximately 1,300 linear feet of the existing concrete and block wall. The wall is located at 1300 East, from 11400 South to approximately Sanders Road. This bid may be accepted in whole or in part. Please include the following specifications in your bid: -South Segment: 655 Linear Feet -Wall is 7'4" tall (all concrete) with 8' tall block columns. Replace top cap along the wall. Precast concrete domed cap, 3' minimum length, CMU cap block with radius top and full mortar bed. -Repair all damaged block columns and replace column top cops with 16"x16" precast concrete domed cap. -Fill and repair any cracks in the cement wall. (Epoxy) -Remove old plaster and replace it with a new plaster. (Color to be determined) North Segment: 590 Linear Feet -Wall is 7'4" tall (all concrete) with 8' tall block columns. -Replace top cap along the wall. Precast Concrete Domed Cap, 3' minimum length, CMU cap block with radius top and full mortar bed. -Repair all damaged block columns and replace column top caps with 16"x16" precast concrete domed cap. -Repair all damaged blocks and point and tuck as needed. -Fill and repair any cracks in the cement wall. (Epoxy) -Remove old plaster and replace it with new plaster. (Color to be determined). North Corner Segment: 50 Linear Feet -The cement wall is 4' high with one course of block on top. -Replace top cap along the wall. 3' minimum length, CMU cap block with radius top and full mortar bed. -Repair all damaged block columns and replace column top caps with 16"x16" precast concrete domed cap. -Repair all damaged blocks and point and tuck as needed. -Fill and repair any cracks in the cement wall. (Epoxy). -Remove old plaster and replace it with new plaster. (Color to be determined). Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond payable to Sandy City (OWNER) for five percent of the total amount of the bid. After bid opening, OWNER will return all of the bonds except that of the lowest responsible bidder. When the contract is executed, and OWNER received the performance, payment, and all other required bonds, the bid bond of the successful bidder will be returned. A certified check made payable to OWNER may be used in place of the bid bond. A performance and payment bond, each in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price, with a corporate surety approved by owner, will be required to ensure faithful performance of the contract. The duration of the performance and payment bond shall be one year after the anticipated completion date of the project. Question Deadline: 11/17/2023 10:00 AM (MT) All inquiries relative to this Information for Bid (IFB) must be submitted on electronically and will be answered through electronically up to the Q & A deadline. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept any bid in total or in part unless the offeror clearly states in its bid that acceptance must be on an "all or none" basis, to waive any minor irregularity or technical error in the form of bids or in compliance with the instructions to offeror, and to stop the selection process at any time it is considered to be in the best interests of the City. Any bid containing significant deviations from the specifications of the RFBs will be rejected as non-responsive. Offerors claiming minor irregularities or technical errors must assume the burden of identifying them and justifying them to the City in order for the bid to receive consideration.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1300 E, Sandy, UT

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