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Published November 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in De Witt, Nebraska. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Village of DeWitt is planning to apply for funding through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy for State Revolving Funds (CWSRF) for needed wastewater system improvements which may include collection system improvements and wastewater treatment facility improvements. The Village is inviting "Statements of Qualifications" and other pertinent information from professional engineering firms interested in assisting the Village of DeWitt with wastewater system improvements. Qualified firms responding to this proposal will assist the Village of DeWitt in all needed services to complete the planned project, including submitting the proposed improvement projects for funding assistance. If funds are awarded for construction, the selected consultant will design final improvements, develop bidding documents, assist in the bidding process, assist the Village of DeWitt with contract preparation, and in construction observation. Interested firms should submit, in writing, their statement of qualifications and should address the following factors: 1. Qualifications of the firm. (30 points maximum) 2. Related project experience, including references for three projects. (30 points maximum) 3. Experience of key personnel that will be working on this project, including resume(s) for project manager and lead project engineer. (30 points maximum) 4. Familiarity with funding requirements of programs identified above. (10 points maximum) Other submittal details: Proposals may not exceed a total of 10 single-sided pages (including the cover page and letter of interest). Price is not a factor and should not be included in the proposal. For any questions regarding this project or RFQ, please contact Moria Holly at (402) 683-5025 or clerk@villageofdewitt.com. The Village of DeWitt reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as part of this request. The Village of DeWitt does not anticipate interviews at this time and will negotiate a final scope of work and fee with the firm chosen who best meets the selection criteria above and procured according to Federal guidelines. Cost will not be considered during the selectin process.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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November 29, 2024


To Be Determined, De Witt, NE

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