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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Eugene, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Lane County is seeking a qualified consultant to perform solid waste engineering and technical services to support Short Mountain Landfill development and operations. The contract will be for a three-year period, January 2024-December 2026, and is estimated to be $800,000 in total cost. Proposals properly submitted and received will be opened immediately following the time proposals are due, and a list of the names of persons submitting proposals will be promptly sent to all such proposers, along with such other information as the public officer considers appropriate at the time. To be considered, proposals must be submitted electronically in accordance with all the following instructions: 1. Proposals must be submitted as an attachment to an email, submitted to the email address stated above, 2. The subject line of the email must clearly identify the submission as a response to this specific RFP, 3. Unless otherwise stated in the Proposal Requirements, proposal documents may be submitted in PDF format only, and 4. Proposals must not include .zip files, and cannot be more than 30 megabytes in size. The County may issue an addendum to modify or add to the terms of the RFP, or to change the time or date for submission of proposals. Any such addendum will be posted and may be downloaded from the Procurement & Purchasing webpage in the same location as the RFP posting. Each proposer is responsible to verify for itself if any addendum has been issued prior to submission of its proposal; the County is not responsible to notify individual prospective proposers of the issuance of an addendum. The requirements or clarifications contained in any addenda issued must be included in the proposals received and will become part of any resulting contract. The County may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed proposal procedures, requirements, rules, or laws, and may reject for good cause any and all proposals upon the County's finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Notice of Award. The County will provide written notice of its intent to award to a given proposer or proposers at least 7 days before the award, unless the County determines that a shorter notice period is more practicable. Unless otherwise stated in the RFP documents, the Notice of Intent to Award will be given by posting the notice on the Procurement & Purchasing webpage in the same location as the RFP posting. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The purpose of this RFP is to obtain solid waste engineering and technical consultant services required to support Lane County Waste Management Short Mountain development and operations. The contract will be for a three-year period and is estimated to be $800,000 in total cost. Lane County owns and operates the Short Mountain Landfill located approximately 8 miles south of Eugene, Oregon. The site is located on a 580-acre parcel just east of the Interstate 5 freeway. The landfill currently received approximately 300,000 tons of waste annually from commercial haulers and Lane County's 15 transfer station. The landfill is expected to have approximately 75 years of remaining operational life. In addition to solid waste disposal, the landfill includes a leachate collection system, and a local electric utility operated a landfill gas collection system and power generation facility on the site. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 Engineering Design. Provide services including the preparation of engineered plans and specifications for the Phase V Closure project and other landfill projects. 2.2 Construction Management. Services including project management, field meetings, and general construction coordination for the Phase V Closure project and other landfill construction projects. 2.3 Construction Quality Assurance (CQA). Provide services to satisfy state and/or federal regulatory requirement pertaining to construction quality control and certification for the Phase V Closure project and other landfill projects. CQA activities include inspection, testing, and reporting services for all aspects of the construction project(s). 2.4 Operations Support. Operations consultation services for day-to-day landfill operations including: fill planning, assessing fill construction, stormwater management, tipping deck design, compaction evaluation, and equipment selection. 2.5 Leachate Management. Provide assistance in pump selection and system troubleshooting. 2.6 Landfill Gas Management. Provide assistance with landfill gas collection system operation and design, including coordination when creating fill plans, cell closures, and new cell construction. 2.7 Closure and Post-Closure Financial Assurance. Prepare an annual financial assurance report for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and County auditors. 2.8 Regulatory Assistance. Provide technical assistance ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements related to the Short Mountain Landfill operations and development. Current permits associated with Short Mountain Landfill include: o DEQ Solid Waste Disposal Permit No. 290 o NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit No. 1200-Z o LRAPA Title V Operating Permits No. 20470 o City of Springfield Wastewater Discharge Permit No. L-100-S-1118 2.9 Hydrogeological Services. Provie hydrogeological services to support Short Mountain Landfill development and operations activities. 2.10 General Services. Assist Lane County Waste Management on other general projects as mutually agreed upon. WORK AUTHORIZATION The Consultant's work under this contract will be on a project-by-project basis. Work may only commence on a project with a County issued and fully executed Work Authorization Document (WAD). The terms and conditions of the original contract govern all work performed pursuant to a WAD, unless otherwise specified. Each project will have a maximum monetary limit that will be negotiated by the County and the Consultant prior to commencement of any work. The maximum amount may only be exceeded upon prior written approval by the County through an amended WAD. The Work Authorization Document will describe a project specific scope of work that includes: (a) Roles and responsibilities; tasks; deliverables, deliverable due dates, performance guidelines for work acceptance, and task break down showing hours per task, estimated cost per task, and staff classifications and names assigned to each task. (b) Cost estimates for each work authorization shall be detailed using the Fee Schedule attached to the contract.
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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December 9, 2024
84777 Dillard Access Rd, Eugene, OR
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