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Published December 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Dupont, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Amendment 0002 - SIR No.: 697DCK-24-R-00061 This amendment is created to incorporate the dimensions of the MDT TRACON, specific requirements for the consoles rear side doors and changes to the MDT TRACON equipment. The following is hereby incorporated as part of the statement of work and equipment list: 1) MDT TRACON Dimensions: 13' 6" X 34' 3" between sound absorbing panels (SAP panels) 2) The offeror must incorporate in their rear side console design hinged doors and provide as an option roll up tambour doors. 3) As a result of the FAA site survey conducted on 12/14/2023 there was an increase in the MDT TRACON equipment. The number of FDTS printers has increased from 2 to 4. Include printers at Ravine, Lancaster, Harrisburg and Reading positions. There is an additional display called FDTS REMT to be added to the MDT Supervisor desk. This will be a display only (no CPU). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amendment 0001 - SIR No.: 697DCK-24-R-00061 This amendment is created to incorporated clarifications to the statement of work, updated equipment lists and response to questions from the vendors as a result of the site visit conducted on 12/06/2023. The following solicitation documents are hereby incorporated as part of the solicitation: 1) MDT and AVP SOW Clarifications - Consoles-Slatwall Replacement 2) MDT TRACON Console Matrix (Equipment List) 3) AVP Center Desk Equipment Matrix (Equipment List) 4) Responses to Questions - MDT_AVP TRACONs Consoles Replacement As a result of this amendment the solicitation due date is extended from 12/14/2023 to 12/21/2023 @5:00PM ET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Acquisition Management System (AMS) Policy, Section Public Announcements, the FAA has a requirement for Design, Fabrication, Delivery and Installation of a Slatwall/Consoles system at the Middletown Terminal Radar Approach Control (MDT TRACON), Wilkes-Barre Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) and Elmira (ELM) Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT). To support this effort the FAA seeking firms possessing the capability and experience necessary to provide modular slat-wall consoles for ATCT Cabs. Durability, efficiency, and flexibility are the keys to the effectiveness of the proposed Slatwall/Consoles system. The equipment must last through the rigors of daily use in an environment where the equipment may be in use 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Specific requirements associated with this effort can be found in the attached SIR documents.The responses to this Screening Information Request (SIR) will be evaluated in order to select the firm that offers the best value to the FAA. The FAA is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals and intends to award one Firm Fixed Price contract resulting from this SIR. Note: This announcement is not intended to guarantee procurement of the services associated with this effort and must not be construed as commitment by the government to enter into a contract. The FAA will not pay for and is not liable for costs associated with the preparation and submittal of responses to this announcement. Any costs associated with the submission of a response to this request are solely at the interested vendor's expense.Responses should be submitted electronically to the designated Point of Contact by the due date.


Transportation Terminals


Public - Federal


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Multiple Locations, Dupont, PA

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Design, Fabrication, Delivery, and Installation of Consoles/Slatwall Systems

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