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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) is the local public health department for the City of Boston. BPHC's mission is to protect, preserve, and promote the health and well-being of all Boston residents, particularly the most vulnerable populations' is seeking requests for bids from qualified contractors to perform Boiler Preventive Maintenance, tune up and repairs for BPHC various locations. BPHC encourages small, local, minority, disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran and/or service-disabled owned business enterprises to participate in all procurement opportunities. Vendor shall be able to supply boilers parts as needed for boilers listed on the inventory and/or other boilers installed during the term of the contract. Vendor shall be able to conduct emergency repairs on the boilers listed on the inventory and/or other boilers installed during the term of the contract. Vendor shall be able to conduct Annual Tune-ups. Tune-up is inclusive of documenting as found conditions and post tune-up condition, including modifications and repairs completed. See attached. All contractors shall submit a tune-up cost, up to documenting as found conditions. All modifications and repairs required shall be covered on Time and Materials, which shall be submitted in letterhead to Property Management for Budget Administrator approval prior to conducting the work. Desired date for notification of award to bidder(s) however, BPHC has the discretion to extend this date without notice. BPHC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. BPHC anticipates submitting a Notice of Award to the selected bidder(s) by email or address provided in the RFP responses. The contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder(s) meeting all requirements. The lowest responsible and responsive bidder shall mean the bidder that best meets the requirements set forth in this solicitation and offers the lowest cost. The contract(s) resulting from this RFP shall be in effect when all necessary contract documentation is fully executed by BPHC and awarded vendor(s). BPHC reserves the right to award one or multiple bidders based upon bid is deemed most favorable to BPHC. BPHC has the discretion to modify the scope as necessary prior to execution of the contract with the selected bidder(s). No services shall commence until all necessary contract documentation is fully executed by BPHC and awarded vendor(s). BPHC will work selected bidder(s) to adjust cost(s) based on any revisions to the scope of service. Bidder(s) shall provide special service requests to BPHC as needed but not limited to the scope herein. BPHC will not be responsible for any transportation fees or costs, including but limited to, mileage or fuel cost. 11/28/2023 Questions are due in writing by 4:00 PM to Subject: Boiler Parts & Emergency Repairs and Annual Tune UP



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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