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Published November 29, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and addition to a municipal facility in Sanford, North Carolina. Working plans call for the addition of a 30,000-square-foot, two-story above grade municipal facility.

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS City of Sanford-New City Hall Annex Construction Manager at Risk Services (CMAR) The City of Sanford is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from contractors interested in the opportunity to submit a proposal to provide pre-construction and construction services for the new Sanford City Hall Annex project using the Construction Manager At-Risk (CMAR) method of project delivery. Included in the scope of services is collaboration with the design team during Design Development and Construction Document phases, development of a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) proposal, and, assuming successful negotiation of a GMP with the Owner, ultimately entering into a construction agreement for the construction of the Project. Responses to this RFQ will be evaluated to identify contractors with the requisite experience, qualifications and resources to complete the Project successfully within an agreed upon GMP in accordance with project requirements that will be specified by the Owner. This RFQ will place an emphasis on the contractor’s demonstrated ability on past projects of similar size and nature, ability to meet project schedule, and commitment to MWBE. SOQs for the new Sanford City Hall Annex project located on City property at 225 E. Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, NC 27331 will be received by the designer at the following address: Michael Esposito, AIA ADW Architects 2815 Coliseum Centre Drive, Building #6, Suite 500 Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 379-1919 mesposito@ADWArchitects.com SOQs will be received until 5:00 p.m., legal local time on Thursday January 25th, 2024. All interested contractors are required to submit (1) original and (7) hardcopies of their SOQ as well as an electronic copy in PDF format. All requests for the RFQ and any questions related to the RFQ shall be directed to the office of ADW Architects (contact above). The Owner reserves the right to amend the RFQ at any time and only those contractors registered with ADW Architects will receive amendments. The Sanford City Hall Annex project will be a new two-story City Hall Annex (approximately 30,000 sf), along with an elevated passageway connecting to the existing Municipal building as indicated by architectural plans, designs, and specifications on City owned property located at 225 E. Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, NC 27331. The new City Hall Annex will house the Departments of Engineering, Finance, Building Inspections, Legal, Planning, Human Resources, Information Technology and other departments. This construction includes, but is not limited to, exterior grading, erosion control, all associated site and utility work, drainage, parking lot improvements, landscaping and a linear park with splash pad, and restroom/equipment building. The City Hall Annex shall also include Telecom/Data, CCTV, Audio Visual, and Security systems. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all SOQs after the opening of SOQs but before award, or any SOQ, in whole or part.

Final Planning



Public - City

Addition, Site Work

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May 1, 2024


225 E Weatherspoon St, Sanford, NC

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