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Published December 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Erie, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

2024 Energy Audit Submit to RACE a list of potential energy conservation measures for each development. At a minimum, the energy audit must address Core Energy Conservation Measures. (ECMs) and must categorize ECMs into payback periods. Evaluate the feasibility ofthe Core and Advanced Energy Measures (ECMs) as defined in the final rule by assessing current conditions and determining the work required to implement each ECM. Each potential energy conservation measure must include the associated cost estimate to implement and the estimated payback period. A sample of each type of standard HACE supplied appliances (ranges, refrigerators, and hot water tanks) is to be reviewed for energy efficiency. Domestic hot water boilers, heating, and air conditioning systems at high-rise buildings to be reviewed. All administrative offices, mechanical rooms, maintenance facilities, and community spaces are to be reviewed. A sample ofunits, of each size, in each development, must be inspected. All the information must be provided in a format generally accepted in the industry. Document the Energy Audit in a comprehensive report that includes a summary of the methodology used, outlines operating and maintenance improvements, presents the analysis of each ECM (all calculations must be provided), and provides recommendations for the implementation of ECMs with an acceptable payback. Four copies of the final report must be provided The Housing Authority of the City ofErie (RACE) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to conduct an Energy Audit pursuant to HUD requirements and 24 CFR 965.305 (B). The purpose of the Energy Audit is to provide RACE a list of energy conservation measures that will be cost effective. HACE owns and manages 2,202 rental units within the City of Erie. As detailed on the attached list, 393 of these units are in two high-rise apartment buildings. Another 143 units are in two low-rise apartment buildings. Additionally, 343 units are scattered site duplexes or stand-alone houses. The remaining 1,336 units are row-type family apartments. Firms are encouraged to complete/schedule site visits before submitting a proposal. This will be a competitive proposal with the scoring/evaluation criteria outlined in this Request for Proposal (RFP) and price alone is not the sole determining factor. 10% bid bond required, Davis-bacon wages apply. The Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bidding. All communications and inquiries shall be directed to Michael R. Fraley, Executive Director, at FraleyM@hace.org. A licensed Professional Engineer overseeing the services is preferred Site Visit note 8:45 Tour Schmid Towers' Boiler Room & sample unit (1) (706 W) 9:15 Leave for Friendship Apts. 9:30 Tour Friendship's Boiler Room & sample unit (1) (519) 10:00 Leave Friendship for Lake City 10:15 Tour Lake City office & sample unit (1) (318 E, 17th #6) 10:45 Tour Scattered Site Units (3-4) (152 E. 17th, 128 E. 17th) 11:30 Lunch 12:30 Leave for Harbor Homes 12:45 Tour Harbor Homes office & Annex sample unit (3) (1808 E Buffalo Rd.#3, 1902 B Buffalo Rd.#6, 1918 E. 18th) 1:30 Leave for Horan Gardens 1:45 Tour Horan Gardens office & sample unit (2) (746 A Tacoma Rd#3, 2140 A Gladstone Ct.#3) 2:15 Leave Horan Gardens for Bird Drive 2:30 Tour Bird Drive sample unit (1) (1714 Bird Dr.) 2:45 Leave Bird Drive for Erie Heights 3:00 Tour Erie Heights office & sample unit (2) (4108 Garden, 3941 Garden) 3:30 Tour Curry/Schell sample unit (1) (Apt 127) 3:45 Leave Curry/Schell for Priscaro Apts 4:00 Tour Priscaro Apts. sample unit (1) (1440 W. 24th) 4:30 Tour Better Housing


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