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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Lake Stevens, Washington. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.
Project Description This project will replace the existing four-way stop sign managed intersection of Main Street and 20th Street NE with a single-lane roundabout intersection configuration. The City is completing an early agency acquisition of right-of-way (ROW) as part of a private development agreement of the parcel at the northwest corner of the intersection, in order to provide additional ROW for the roundabout intersection. Figure 1 below shows a very general layout schematic for the roundabout's center, relative to the existing intersection, and an approximate new lane edge/curb for the northwest corner of the intersection. In general, the proposed roundabout, including sidewalks/shared use path not shown in Figure 1 is anticipated to be approximately 100 to 110 feet in diameter. The project includes realigning vehicle travel lanes, receiver turn lanes and/or lane widening within the roundabout circle where needed; concrete center round and center Project Description This project will replace the existing four-way stop sign managed intersection of Main Street and 20th Street NE with a single-lane roundabout intersection configuration. The City is completing an early agency acquisition of right-of-way (ROW) as part of a private development agreement of the parcel at the northwest corner of the intersection, in order to provide additional ROW for the roundabout intersection. Figure 1 below shows a very general layout schematic for the roundabout's center, relative to the existing intersection, and an approximate new lane edge/curb for the northwest corner of the intersection. In general, the proposed roundabout, including sidewalks/shared use path not shown in Figure 1 is anticipated to be approximately 100 to 110 feet in diameter. The project includes realigning vehicle travel lanes, receiver turn lanes and/or lane widening within the roundabout circle where needed; concrete center round and center The project intersection is constrained by existing developments to the northeast, southeast, and southwest; including a bridge and channel on the east side of the intersection. These existing developments and features will not be displaced by this project. Similarly, the project on the northwest will be constrained by the new ROW line established with the adjacent new development. Consequently, the project will need to be designed in order to allow vehicle passage and turning motions through all legs of the new roundabout without additional ROW acquisition, including passage by fire district trucks from the nearby fire station north of the project intersection. A proposed "regional"/area stormwater management facility as part of the proposed private development on the northwest corner of this project site is expected to fully address the stormwater management requirements of the intersection project in advance. However, minor stormwater conveyance modifications are anticipated to align the intersection drainage with the new intersection surface geometry. As indicated previously, this project will be funded with a federal transportation grant for construction only, which will need to be obligated in advance of advertisement for bids. The project design phase will need to incorporate the environmental studies and related analysis and documentation required for submittal for a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review and approval from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), as administered by the WSDOT Local Programs division. The professional services agreement with the selected design consultant firm will conform to the City professional services agreement for architectural and engineering (A&E) services, with payment made on a monthly, time-and-materials basis. No submittals will be accepted after that date and time. Postmarks will not be accepted in lieu of this deadline requirement. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure their project-specific SOQ submittal is received by the City before the listed deadline. The following scopes of services are generally anticipated for this contract: Civil engineering design for the proposed sidewalk and related non-motorized improvements, including geotechnical engineering assessments and documentation to support design of improvements (including stormwater improvements, as needed). Design will also include support, as necessary, for City permitting requirements applicable to the project. Preparation of 30, 60, 90, and 100 percent pre-final plans, specifications/special provisions, and estimate (PS&E) packages for review by City staff and WSDOT engineer(s) with the WSDOT Local Programs division. Subsequently, preparation of an advertisement-ready PS&E package for advertisement of the invitation for public works contract bids. Preparation of all environmental and supporting studies and documentation, including but not limited to Area of Potential Effect (APE), hazardous materials assessments, historical and cultural resources studies, environmental justice memoranda, biological assessments, etc., as required by WSDOT Local Programs to obtain NEPA categorical exclusion approval and construction grant obligation approval from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Development and preparation of project Stormwater Site Plans demonstrating the project complies with the design of the regional/area stormwater facility developed to comply with the applicable Minimum Requirements of the 2019 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, including incorporation of required design and construction elements into the project PS&E packages. Completion of the early agency ROW acquisition on the northwest corner of the project is anticipated to be completed before ROW certification is required. However, the project may further surveying and right-of-way (ROW) acquisition services to support ROW certification of temporary construction easements, where needed. Surveying, including property line surveying, and mapping as necessary to support PS&E package development. This will include incorporation of the new private development designs and subsequent construction records during intersection design (the private development construction is scheduled for 2024 through early 2025). Project administration and management throughout project duration. As this project is not funded with federal transportation funding for the design/preliminary engineering state, no Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements are applied to the design consultant agreement. The City retains, at its own discretion, a future option to consider the selected design consultant firm for additional construction management and/or inspection services. However, if considered, these services will be contracted through a future professional services agreement and/or amendment.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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December 23, 2024
20th St NE & Main St, Lake Stevens, WA
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