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Published February 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The City of Ann Arbor seeks to obtain a content management system to achieve the following outcomes: o An intuitive and modern content management system that simplifies content management and web editing. o Improved social media tools and management. o Improved HTML produced by the content management system which aligns with our web editing best practices. All questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) shall be submitted via e-mail. Questions will be accepted and answered in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFP. All questions shall be submitted on or before November 27, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., and should be addressed as follows: Scope of Work/Proposal Content questions shall be e-mailed to Kevin Eyer, Technology and Change Manager - kreyer@a2gov.org RFP Process and Compliance questions shall be e-mailed to Colin Spencer, Buyer - CSpencer@a2gov.org 1. Objective The City of Ann Arbor seeks to obtain a content management system to achieve the following outcomes: o An intuitive and modern content management system that simplifies content management and web editing. o Improved social media tools and management. o Improved HTML produced by the content management system which aligns with our web editing best practices. 3. Requirements A. The content management system should make it easy to edit web pages and include tools for editing modern web sites. Needs the ability to dynamically choose the number of columns as needed by the user and segment the information on the page into easy to edit sections. B. Want the system to include features that support editing modern web parts such as accordions, tiles, photo galleries, etc. C. The existing website design, templates, and content should be incorporated into the new content management system. D. The system should support metadata management for social media and images. E. The system should produce clean code that improves accessibility, passes semantic tests, and is Section 508 compliant. F. Need the ability to embed 3rd party tools using JavaScript and iframes. G. The system needs to automatically resize images to reduce file sizes and more closely align with the website style guide. H. Modifying page templates should be easy. I. Page editing should be intuitive and simple. J. SEO management should be straightforward. K. Vendor needs to provide content migration from our current SharePoint content management system to the future system. L. Convert existing customizations so that they work with the new CMS. a. Alerts on park facilities and the home page. b. News on the home page and the water page. c. Park Amenities web part on the main park facilities. d. Clerk Voter Line tool for checking line lengths. e. Services area and subpages with accordions. f. Automated site map. g. Custom code within the page layouts and master design. h. Job that writes the FOIA log and ICPOC log to a page on the site. M. Needs to be able to integrate with chat AI products. N. The content management system should have an API to integrate custom tools with the website. O. Would like to have pre-built content editing training materials.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Ann Arbor, MI

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