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Published December 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tukwila, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The King County Housing Authority is accepting proposals from qualified, licensed flooring companies to provide services at King County Housing Authority Properties as scheduled or on an as-needed basis. Provide comprehensive flooring services for the supply and installation, repair, and removal (including disposal) of floor coverings and related items at KCHA properties located in King, Thurston, and Skagit counties. Typical areas of work will be in King County residential apartments ranging from studios (avg. 400 sq. ft.) to 5-bedrooms (>2000 sq. ft.), and may also include single family housing, multifamily housing, mid-rise buildings, townhomes, common area hallways, common stairwells, community rooms, laundry rooms, bathrooms, and offices. Anticipated volume of work is 250-300 units annually and the average unit will have approximately 700sq ft. of flooring needs. KCHA will provide a floor plan with approximate square footage for each unit/project needing replacement. It is recommended the contractor field-verify unit measurements. Contractor must be able to remove existing and complete new installation in vacant residential units within five (5) days of receiving the service call from KCHA. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the OWNER, the Contractor shall complete the work in one (1) day. Such flooring services are to be provided on an "as needed" basis pursuant to the issuance of Purchase Orders for specific and selected services during the term of the contract. The intent of this contract is for services to be provided in a timely manner for projects that need prompt response and to assist KCHA in maximizing its efficiencies in flooring projects. The selected contractor(s) shall furnish all supplies, expertise, labor and resources in accordance with the requirements of KCHA and shall provide complete services necessary for the Purchase Order(s) issued during the contract. KCHA may or may not utilize these services or a portion of the services during the term of the contract. KCHA is under no obligation to fully expend the contract amount with the selected firm(s). KCHA reserves the right to select more than one contractor at its own discretion. KCHA shall pay on invoices within 30 days of receipt from the Contractor. Certified payrolls for Davis-Bacon funded tasks will be required to be submitted with the invoice for services performed. Contact Person: Danielle Munroe, Management Analyst, 206-574-1200, daniellem@kcha.org Question deadline: 12/19/2023 at 3:30 p.m. We highly encourage any questions or requests for further information or clarification to be directed, in writing, to daniellem@kcha.org We anticipate the initial term of the contract shall be one (1) year. KCHA, at its sole discretion and option, may renew the contract incrementally, or in whole, for up to four (4) additional years. Under this Contract, Purchase Orders may be issued during the term of the Contract. KCHA is under no obligation to issue Purchase Orders or to expend any money during the term of the Contract. It is further understood that Purchase Orders issued under this contract may not be completed during the contract term. In such cases all terms, clauses, rights, and obligations of the Contract with respect to such Purchase Orders shall remain in force, and shall survive until the work is completed. With the exception of emergency work, a Purchase Order number must be acquired by the contractor from KCHA prior to scheduling or performing any service under this contract. KCHA has sole discretion for determining whether work qualifies as an emergency. Bid, payment and performance bonds will not be required for RFP submission or any resulting contract. In addition, KCHA reserves the right: 1) to reject/cancel any or all proposals; 2) to award the contract, in full or in part, to one contractor or a number of contractors; 3) to award the contract in different phases based on budget condition; 4) to define and waive any informalities in the RFP; 5) to make a final judgment whether the proposals are responsive or non-responsive to the RFP after carefully evaluating the RFP results, and considering all of the factors; and 6) to make contract awards only to responsible/qualified contractors who meet KCHA's standards for a specific project as indicated on page 5 item 2 and listed in attachment A, item B. All non-responsive proposals or proposals received from non-responsible or unqualified contractors will be rejected. KCHA also reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a contractor's proposal or to obtain additional information necessary to properly evaluate a particular proposal. Failure of a contractor to respond to such a request for additional information or clarification could result in rejection of the contractor's proposal. This RFP does not commit KCHA to pay any costs incurred by any contractor in the submission or presentation of a proposal, or in making the necessary studies for the preparation thereof


Residential Subdivision

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Tukwila, WA

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