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Published January 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Redding, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Redding Wishes to Establish a Contract With a Qualified Contractor to Furnish Elevator Maintenance Service for a Total of Five (5) Units in Four (4) Locations Within the City of Redding. Subcontracting of Any Portion of This Contract Will Not Be Allowed. The cut-off date and time for receiving questions regarding this bid is 5:00 p.m. PST, on Monday, January 8, 2024. All inquiries must be made in writing and may be submitted to the buyer's email address shown below. All quotations must be submitted on the standard quotation forms provided by the City of Redding, accompanied by the bid bonds or certified check. Quotations may be sent via: o Overnight Delivery o U.S. Mail to address listed in this cover page o Hand delivered to the address listed in this cover page The City of Redding reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, in part or in their entirety. In addition, the City will award any resulting purchase order in a manner consistent with the City Purchasing Ordinance. The Subsequent Site Inspection Will Be Conducted in the Following Order: 1. Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue 2. Redding Library, 1100 Parkview Avenue 3, Old City Hall, 1313 Market Street 4. Redding Convention Center, 700 Sundial Bridge Drive There Will Be No Alternate Time Scheduled for the Site Inspections. Contract Term The Term of This Contract Will Be for the Period, February 1, 2024 Through January 31, 2025. If Mutually Agreeable, With All Prices (With Allowed Adjustments), Terms, and Conditions Remaining The Same, the Contract May Be Extended on an Annual Basis for Four (4) Consecutive One-year Periods, Through January 31, 2029. The City May Renew Some or All of the Locations. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed by the Contractor under this specification shall consist of furnishing all material, labor, tools, specifically an ascension tool (2000 CIA-PCD), and equipment necessary to provide full and complete preventative maintenance service on the equipment described. Preventative maintenance service requires the selected vendor to regularly and systematically: examine, clean, lubricate and adjust the elevator equipment, provide five (5) day a week (MondayFriday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays) emergency trouble-call service, and as conditions warrant, repair or replace all portions of the elevator equipment included under this contract with the noted exclusions below: 1. Repairs required because of negligence, accident, or misuse of the equipment by anyone other than the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, servants or agents, or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, except ordinary wear and tear. 2. Car enclosure (including removable panels, door panels, car gates, plenum chambers, hung ceilings, light diffusers, light tubes and bulbs, handrails, mirrors and flooring); hoist way enclosure; hoist way gates, doors, frames and sills. 3. Hydraulic cylinder, power feeders, switches (including their wiring and fusing), underground piping Any work not specifically mentioned which is required to complete the preventative maintenance service within the intent of this specification shall be performed without additional cost to the City. The elevator maintenance personnel shall operate under these specifications and under directions given by the City of Redding Facilities Supervisor. Provide complete elevator maintenance service on five (5) elevators at the locations listed below. o Location #1: Redding City Hall - 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA 1. Elevator - Hydraulic 117616 US Elevator 2. Elevator - Hydraulic 117317 US Elevator o Location #2: Redding Library - 1100 Parkview Avenue, Redding, CA 1. Elevator- Hydraulic EU9675 Thyssenkrupp Elevator o Location #3: Old City Hall - 1313 Market Street, Redding, California 1. Elevator - Hydraulic 409732 Otis o Location #4: Redding Convention Center 700 Auditorium Drive, Redding, California 1. Elevator - Hydraulic E30179 Dover Contractor shall maintain the elevator equipment herein described. The Contractor shall insure that all work is performed by and under the supervision of skilled, experienced elevator service and repair personnel directly employed by the Contractor. All work shall be accomplished in a professional workman-like manner. Clean up shall be accomplished at the termination of each service call. Contractor shall employ all reasonable care to see that the elevator equipment is maintained in proper operating condition in accordance with current California Elevator Safety Construction Code. Contractor shall provide genuine parts used by the manufacturers of the equipment, or preapproved equivalent parts, for replacement or repair, and use only those lubricants obtained from and/or recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment. When servicing elevators, contractor shall rope off or place safety cones and provide "Out of Order due to Maintenance" signage at each floor level. Contractor shall not be responsible for obsolescence of equipment and shall not be liable for consequential damages. It is understood that consequential damages shall mean only loss of revenue to the City as a result of equipment failure or malfunction.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Redding, CA

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Elevator Maintenance Service At Various City Locations

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