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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Trenton, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Cleaning Services at 333 Cortland Street Trenton, Nj for a Period of One (1) Year With an Option to Extend for an Additional One (1) Year for the City of Trenton Department of Water Trenton Water Distribution Complex Proposers are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975,c.127(N.J.A.C.17:27 et seq). Director of Water & Sewer - shall be defined as the Director or the duly authorized representative. Complex shall be defined as the Trenton Water Works Distribution Complex located at 333 Cortland Street, Trenton, New Jersey. The Contractor shall be defined as the Contractor or his duly authorized representative. Recycling materials shall be defined as glass, aluminum cans and paper products. Location of Work The work shall be performed in the City of Trenton at the Trenton Water Works Distribution Center Complex located at Mulberry Street and Cortland Street. In addition, must use whatever means may be necessary to completely satisfy themselves, not only of the quantity of labor and the extent and requirements of the work, but also of the actual conditions under which the work specified shall be performed. Interested parties shall contact Sharee Jamison with the Administrative Office at 609989-3206 to register for the walk through. For estimating purposes only, the first floor is approximately 9,600 square feet and the second floor is 6,300 square feet. Bidders shall assure themselves of the actual square footage of the areas at the site. Work Schedule The successful Bidder shall furnish the Director - Water or the duly authorized representative a written schedule describing the plan for cleaning the Complex. The Contractor shall not begin work prior to 5:30 PM each night and should conclude work no later than 9:30pm each night. There are approximately 13 authorized City of Trenton holidays on which days the Complex shall not require cleaning services. These days shall be provided to the Contractor upon commencement of the contract. Attached is the Cleaning Duty Schedules. The Schedule shall be used as a basis to verify that the work required has been performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall meet periodically with the Director-Water or the duly authorized representative to discuss the services and any changes in procedures and operations as may be necessary.



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333 Cortland St, Trenton, NJ

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