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Published February 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Penthouse HVAC System Louver / VRF Ductwork Modifications Bid Voluntary (not mandatory) Site visit is Wednesday January 10, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. This project will consist of modifications to the existing building HVAC system in the penthouse(s) of the building. The work to be performed is illustrated and depicted on the drawings included herein. In general, the work will include removal, relocation, and re-installation of three (3) existing unit space heaters complete with gas piping, venting, ducting, and other miscellaneous work to remain as viable functioning units at the new locations within the penthouse(s) as depicted. Work will include removal of existing and fabrication of new discharge ductwork for the existing condensing units; along with other modifications to existing fresh air exchange and discharge louvers. b Contract services shall include but not be limited to the following items of work: salvage, demolition, removal, construction, erection, fabrication, and installation of all necessary work, materials, products, labor, equipment, and other incidentals as necessary to complete the work as depicted on the drawings and stated herein. It will be the responsibility of bidders downloading information from the website to contact the Iowa County Highway Department at (608) 935-3381, or email at highway@iowacounty.org to be placed on a bidder's list. The official bidder's list maintained by Iowa County shall be the sole means of responsibility for Iowa County to contact prospective bidders to notify of change modifications or addenda to the bidding documents. All bidders shall have the responsibility to review the Iowa County webpage listed above prior to the bid opening date for any addenda to be considered as part of their bid(s).The work covered by this specification consists of furnishing all off-site and on-site labor, equipment, materials, ductwork, controls, and other incidental items. In general, the work as described as: removal, retrofit, and relocation of existing unit space heaters; provision of unit space heater controls, sensors, and plumbing; removal, fabrication, relocation, and placement of ductwork to the existing condensing units and unit space heaters; removal, retrofit, provision, placement, and fabrication of new louvers and dampers for various ventilation ductwork as depicted; and all other incidental items of work as listed in the Strang Inc. plans. Project completion is scheduled for net 180 days from the issuance of a Contract Agreement Iowa County will award the Contract on the basis of the lowest responsible bidder. However, Iowa County reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or option deemed advantageous to Iowa County as determined by Iowa County. The bidders are reminded to make sure that their bid package is complete, has been properly filled out, and signed by an authorized officer before submission. No bids telephoned or faxed will be considered.

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January 17, 2024

February 19, 2024


303 W Chapel St, Dodgeville, WI

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