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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Patterson, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Introduction The City of Patterson is accepting proposals from qualified firms to provide construction inspection services upon request from the City of Patterson on an "as needed" basis. The City will enter into an agreement with the individuals or firms selected to provide these services. All interested parties are required to submit proposals in accordance with the conditions and dates outlined in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Background The City of Patterson maintains several different types of annual, professional retainer agreements for use on an "as needed" basis. The retainer agreement allows the City to request services of the retained Consultant on an individual project basis as the need arises. Prior to any work completed under the retainer agreement a specific service request must be issued for each project, specifically delineating the requested services, with fees for said services based upon rates identified in the retainer agreement and in conjunction with a jointly agreeable, negotiated maximum fee for said services. Should the City fail to successfully negotiate an acceptable maximum fee for services for a specific project with the Consultant involved, the City reserves the right to seek and retain said services through other means or contractors. Scope of Services The proposed scope of services would include, but would not be limited to the following: Provide Construction Inspection services upon the request of the City of Patterson for projects related to the City's properties and/or structures and private development. Requested services may involve any one, or a combination of, the following Inspection Service areas: Construction inspections for all new commercial, industrial, residential development, and city capital projects as it relates to civil improvements for offsite and onsite; Attend project meetings as needed with City staff and Contractor for the duration of the project; Prepare Daily Reports for all construction activity, and obtain/document all material tags during construction; Assure that overall Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QA/QC) is implemented in a manner consistent with the City Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and/or projects' Special Provisions; Work in close coordination with Material Testing personnel, and maintain testing records; Assure that the Contractor's construction operations are being conducted in a safe manner in accordance to the project's Traffic Control Plan and CAL-OSHA Construction Safety Order; Administer the project to assure all elements of the actual construction are furnished, installed and constructed in accordance with the Project Plans, Specifications, Caltrans Standard Specifications, and City of Patterson Standards; Create and maintain well-organized construction records/files and submit them to the City of Patterson upon completion of the project. Questions: All questions should be directed to: Tiffany Rodriguez, PE, Capital Projects Manager, ph: (209) 895-8075, email: The City will make every effort to address all questions regarding this proposal. Deadline for questions is January 3, 2024, 5 PM. The City reserves the right to cancel or reject all or a portion or portions of the request for bids without notice. Further, the City makes no representations that any agreement will be awarded to any organization submitting a proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted in response to this request or any addenda thereto. Qualifications: The City is seeking a qualified consultant that demonstrates extensive knowledge and experience in providing construction inspection services. Each proposal must contain a statement of qualifications that includes the following information: 1. General Information - Provide the name, address, and telephone number of the individual or firm, as well as the name of the person authorized to negotiate contract terms and make binding agreements. Include the professional qualifications necessary for completing the work. The professional qualifications necessary for completing the work refers to the staff members that will be working on the potential projects. Please provide a list of qualified professionals; 2. Background - Provide background and history of the company's experience which specifically addresses the organization's knowledge and experience. Use of a resume attachment is acceptable; 3. Services and History- Provide a list of available services as well as a listing and description of work completed. The City is requesting the prospective consultant to provide a description of work for each available service. The description of work shall include previous completed work as well; 4. Response Time - Description of individual or firm's resources that allow for a timely delivery of services, including the names and qualifications of the firm's staff that will be working with the City of Patterson; 5. Fees - In a separately sealed envelope, provide a fee schedule. Each proposal shall provide hourly rates of staff. This information will not be used as a determining factor as to which firm we will enter into an agreement with. It will be used as a basis of compensation for the Retainer Agreement; 6. Public Agencies - Include narrative description of experience with public agencies, if any; 7. References - Provide three or more references that can supply information on the quality of the services provided by your firm during the past two years. In addition, include descriptions of three samples of work (i.e. projects) that contain, at a minimum: the name or title of the project, the location(s) of the project, the name of the contracting agency, the total project budget, and a brief project description. The City is not requesting copies of any deliverables provided as part of the previous work; rather, just a summary of the work performed. Copies of the actual deliverables may be provided, as long as they are included in an appendix. The three references may or may not be affiliated with the three samples of work provided.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 13, 2025


Multiple Locations, Patterson, CA

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