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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in La Habra Heights, California. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Work comprises furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals per the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents for the project. The general items of work consist of but not limited to Cold Mill AC Pavement, Proof Roll Base Material, Construct AC Pavement, Reconstruct Portions of PCC Alley Gutter, Reconstruct PCC Alley Approaches, Reconstruct PCC Driveway Approach, Etc. Bidders may submit questions and/or clarification requests to James Valdez and Tony An via email at and by 4:00 PM on Friday, January 5, 2024. The work to be constructed hereunder is located at Alleys No. 1 and No. 83, first alley east of Beach Boulevard, from Gregory Lane to Ridgeway Lane north cul-de-sac, within City of La Habra, County of Orange. Typical work to be done is illustrated on these specifications. The City has determined that a Class A General Contractors License or Class C12 Earthwork and Paving Contractors License is required for this project. All work shall be completed within Twenty (20) working days from the start date specified in the Notice To Proceed. If the total amount of working days have expired and the work is not complete, liquidated damages are two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per calendar day. The City reserves the right, after opening the bids, to reject any or all bids, waive any informality or irregularity in such bids, or to award to the lowest responsible bidder and reject all other bids. This project is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"). Consistent with federal regulations found in 24 CFR 75, participation on this contract is applicable to "Section 3" requirements pursuant to 24 CFR 75.3(d). Bidders shall refer to the Instructions to Bidders for additional information regarding "Section 3" requirements. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified cashier's check or by a corporate surety bond on the form furnished by the City, as guarantee that the bidder will, if an award is made to him in accordance with the terms of his bid, promptly secure Worker's Compensation Insurance and Liability Insurance, execute the contract in the required form and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and for the payment of claims of materialmen and workers thereunder. Said check or bidder's bond shall be in an amount of not less than ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid. The Faithful Performance Bond shall be not less than one hundred (100) percent of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The Payment Bond shall be not less than one hundred (100) percent of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The City reserves the right to reject any bond if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the Director of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes applicable to the work to be done. A copy of said wage rates is available Electronically The Contractor and all subcontractors are responsible to pay the prevailing rates of wages that are specified within ten (10) calendar days before the bid open day and shall post a copy of said wage rates at the project site. The statutory provisions for penalties for failure to pay prevailing wages will be enforced (Labor Code Section 1775) and the statutory provisions for failure to comply with the State's wage and hour laws will be enforced (Labor Code Section 1813). This contract will be funded in whole or in part with federal housing and community development funds. The Federal Labor Standards Provisions, including prevailing wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts will be enforced. A copy of the Federal Wage Decision applicable to this project is included in the Bid Document. This project is a public work in the State of California, funded in whole or in part with public funds. Therefore, the higher of the two applicable prevailing wage rates, federal or state, will be enforced. The Contractor's duty to pay State prevailing wage rates can be found under Labor Code Section 1770 et seq. Labor Code Sections 1775 and 1777.7 outline the penalties for failure to pay prevailing wages and to employ apprentices, including forfeitures and debarment. The State Wage Decision is on file at the City Clerk's office, and is also available Electronically Under California Labor Code Section 1771.1, in order to be awarded and to perform work on public works projects, prime contractors and subcontractors must possess and maintain registration with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Electronically This is a separate requirement from the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) licensing requirement. See the Special Provisions for additional details. Payroll documents for the contractor and subcontractors should be submitted and registered on time with the DIR. No Contractor or Subcontractor may be awarded as a contractor on a bid proposal if they have been Debarred by the State pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1777.1 and 1777.7 and Public Contracts Code Section 6109. The Federal minimum wage rates for this project as predetermined by the United States Secretary of Labor are included in the Contract. If there is any difference between the State or Federal wage rates, the Contractor and subcontractors shall pay not less than the higher of the two rates. The City will not accept lower State wage rates not specifically included in the Federal minimum wage determinations. This includes "helper" (or other classifications based on hours of experience) or any other classification not appearing in the Federal wage determinations. Where Federal wage determinations do not contain the State wage rate determination otherwise available for use by the Contractor and subcontractors, the Contractor and subcontractors shall pay not less than the Federal minimum wage rate, which most closely approximates the duties of the employees in question. Bidders shall comply with the President's Executive Order No. 11246. Any contract or contracts awarded under this Notice Inviting Bids are expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Government. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this Notice Inviting Bids or any resulting Agreement. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 33 and 35. In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by sub-recipients, the conflict of interest provisions in (State LCA-24 CFR 85.36 and Non-Profit Organizations-24CFR 84.4), OMB Circular A-110, and 24 CFR 570.611, respectively, shall apply. No employee, officer or agent of the sub-recipient shall participate in selection, or in the award or administration of a contract supported by Federal funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Attention is directed to Sections 1777.5, 1777.6 and 1777.7 of the California Labor Code and Title 8, California Administrative code, Section 200 et seq. to ensure compliance and complete understanding of the law regarding apprentices. The contract documents shall consist of the following: Notice Inviting Bids; Instructions to Bidders; Proposal; Bidder's Information; Bid Schedule; Acknowledgement of Addenda Received; References; DBE Bidder's List; Violations of Federal, State or Local Laws; Disqualification or Debarment; List of Subcontractors; Bid Security Form; Bid Bond; Non-Collusion Affidavit; Certification of Understanding and Authorization; Worker's Compensation Certificate; Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 Statement; Public Contract Code Section 10162 Questionnaire; Public Contract Code Section 10232 Statement; Agreement; Faithful Performance Bond; Labor and Material Payment Bond; Certification of Compliance; CDBG Requirements; Supplemental Information to be Completed By Principal; Tax Identification Number; Bid Guarantee; Statement of Non-Collusion By Contractor; and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2021 edition and supplements thereto, made a part by reference, together with all additions, deletions, modifications or interpretations of any of said documents, all of which are hereby made a part of these specifications. The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the City Clerk and hand delivered to the City Clerk at the Civic Center, 110 E. La Habra Blvd. (Administration Department), or mailed to City Clerk, Civic Center, 110 E. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, California 90631. The envelope shall be plainly marked in the upper left-hand corner with the name and address of the bidder and shall bear the words "Proposal For" followed by the title of the specifications for the work, and the date and hour of opening bids. The certified or cashier's check, money order, or bidder's bond shall be enclosed in the same envelope with the proposal. No refund shall be made for sets of said plans, specifications and bid documents returned. The Project is subject to Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701u) (Section 3) which seeks to ensure that employment and other economic and business opportunities generated by Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) financial assistance, to the greatest extent feasible, is directed to public housing residents and other low-income persons, particularly recipients of government housing assistance, and business concerns that provide training and economic opportunities to low- and very-low income persons. In recognition of the forgoing, all Bidders are strongly urged to take special notice of the following statement, which relates to the Project and the methodology by which a successful Bidder is to be selected: This is a HUD Section 3 construction contract. First preference will be given to a bidder who provides a reasonable bid and is a qualified Section 3 Business Concern. Second preference will be given to a bidder who provides a reasonable bid and commits to achieving the Section 3 employment, training and subcontracting opportunity goals by submitting a written commitment (Economic Opportunity Plan).


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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January 17, 2024

February 16, 2024


Multiple Locations, La Habra Heights, CA

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