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Saving Project...

Published March 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

**As of March 8, 2024, the project was awarded to Lakeshore Construction but the awarded amount is not available.** Reference Number 0000338405 Proposals are solicited on a unit price basis, for the following work: Sidewalk, Rem 1,073 Syd Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch 7,744 Sft Sidewalk, Conc, 6 inch 1,205 Sft Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 6 inch 182 Sft Detectable Warning Surface, Modified 20 Ft Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F-4 5 Ft Curb Ramp Opening, Conc, Modified 40 Ft Subbase, CIP 113 Cyd Restoration, Modified 1,681 Ft All bid proposals must be accompanied by a bid bond, bank cashier's check, bank draft, or certified check for not less than five percent (5%) of the bid price, made payable to the City of Mt. Pleasant. The City of Mt. Pleasant reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities in the bids, and to select the bid considered most advantageous to the City. The work under this contract shall be completed following the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction along with the City of Mt. Pleasant Special Provisions attached herein. This is not a state sponsored project; therefore, the payment of prevailing wages is not a requirement of this contract. Construction Schedule and Notification Work shall not begin before April 15, 2024. All work shall be completed by May 17, 2024. The contractor shall provide to the Engineering Tech. a schedule indicating the order in which the sidewalks and ramps will be replaced. Contractor is responsible for notifying residents of construction affecting their property at least three days in advance of work. All notifications must be approved by the Engineering Technician prior to start of work. Additional Work by Contractor for Property Owner(s) Any and all additional work between the contractor and property owner shall be handled and negotiated between the contractor and property owner. The city shall have no responsibility or liability for any additional construction. Signing and Barricading Lighted barricades or barrels must adequately protect all excavations. Type I, Type II, or approved reflectorized barrels shall be used at all excavations that will remain open overnight. Signing and barricading costs shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall provide the City with the telephone number of the signing company and local contact person available during non-working hours to place or replace signs, signals, and barricades. One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) shall be deducted from monies due to the contractor for each and every call requiring action by City forces for purposes of placing or replacing barricades and/or signing. Sidewalk Grade Elevation It is imperative that any continuous sections of sidewalk replacement be graded to allow water to drain both to the outside edge of the street side of the sidewalk and laterally to a driveway opening or perpendicular sidewalk connecting to the street. This may require raising either end of a continuous stretch of sidewalk to raise the grade to provide positive drainage. This may require the use 2024 SIDEWALK PROJECT- PAGE 2 OF 3 of additional sand to elevate the sidewalk grade. The City will pay for all sandcompacted in-place by the cubic yard. The contractor shall stockpile sand at the DPW yard for use in this contract. All delivery tickets shall be given to the inspector upon delivery. For bidding purposes an estimated amount of sand shall be included in the proposal. Sidewalk Handicap Ramps Handicap ramps shall be constructed following the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction along with the City of Mt. Pleasant Special Provisions attached herein. Sidewalk handicap ramp construction shall also follow the latest ADA requirements. Damaged Sidewalk, Street or Driveways Any damage occurring to adjacent sidewalk, streets, or driveways outside the limits of removal will be replaced at the contractor's expense, unless otherwise agreed upon prior to removal. It is recommended that saw cutting take place at limits of removal to minimize damage to adjacent structures. Any newly poured sidewalk is to be protected by the contractor. Any damage occurring to concrete sidewalks prior to curing will be replaced at the contractor's expense. The contractor should verify listed quantities prior to removal.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Mount Pleasant, MI

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