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Published January 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charleston, West Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Charleston on behalf of the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center is seeking bids for the purchase of curtain motors. The equipment bid must be interoperable with the existing motor inventory and motor controller as further detailed below. The following should be an outline of components. The details contained in the following specifications are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center. Where brand names are used, the words "or equal" are assumed to follow. All specifications are minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. Any deviations from the stated specifications must be described in detail. The merit of such deviations will be considered with regard to the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center's intended use. The City Manager may refuse to review any protests when the matter involved is the subject of litigation before a court of competent jurisdiction; if the merits have previously been decided by a court of competent jurisdiction; or if it has been decided by the City Manager in a previous protest. At the time of submitting the written protest, Protestor shall submit a certified check in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or bond equal to five percent (5%) of the price of the selected proposal, whichever is greater. In the event the proposal being protested is for contracted services, an estimated average of the contract value will be determined in order to calculate the five percent (5%) bond value. This bonding requirement is designed to protect against frivolous claims and unnecessary expenditures of public funds and to allow City to offset any and all costs, fees, expenses or damages of any kind whatsoever incurred by City as the result of an unsuccessful protest. In the event the protest is unsuccessful, the certified check or bond will be used by City to recoup any and all costs, fees, expenses, or damages of any kind whatsoever incurred by City and related in any way to the unsuccessful protest. Costs, fees, expenses, and damages shall include, but shall not be limited to, increased costs of labor, materials or services resulting from any delay, professional fees, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, and all costs, fees or expenses of any kind whatsoever related in any way to the unsuccessful protest. By signing this document, Protestor waives the right to receive any money retained by City as set forth herein. If there are any funds remaining after City has recouped amounts as permitted herein, the remaining funds will be returned to Protestor. In the event Protestor is successful, the full amount of the certified check or bond will be returned to Protestor. Question Deadline: 01/10/2024 at 3:00 PM ET. Questions regarding the submission of paper bids should be directed to Jamie Bowles, Purchasing Director, at Jamie.Bowles@cityofcharleston.org or by calling 304-348-8014.


Arenas / Stadiums

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 18, 2024

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200 Civic Center Dr, Charleston, WV

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