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Published January 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Marquette, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Westman Dam was installed on the Waldon River in 1952. The goal was to stabilize the water in Hayward, Little, and North Lakes and expand the wetland complex upstream of the dam. Evaluations have shown that this dam has a minimal impact on water levels in the Hayward complex and has been subject to frequent unauthorized manipulation of stoplogs by the public. A feasibility engineering assessment is being requested for the dam to review engineering concepts and cost estimates to replace, upgrade the existing structure or to remove the Westman Dam. The Westman Dam also includes a wooden/timber bridge that crosses the Walton River along Westman Dam Road. The road itself is county owned, but the physical bridge is owned and maintained by DNR Wildlife Division. Removal or replacement of the dam structure will also have to consider removal or replacement of the bridge. SERVICES REQUESTED: The Professional Services Contractor (PSC) shall provide Phase 100, Include any required Phase 200 Preliminary Design tasks necessary to complete a full feasibility report for the site. 1. At a minimum the DNR would like the PSC to provide 3 options in the feasibility report. The report will describe the pros and cons for each option as well as review potential impacts to other stakeholders and include cost estimates for each option. The object of this study is to select an option to maximize cost effectiveness, minimize maintenance and upkeep, maximize service life, eliminate opportunities for manipulation by non-authorized people and maximize fish passage. Some options the owner is willing to explore are Removal of the Dam. 2. Update, repair, and modernization of the existing dam. 3. PSC selected replacement alternative that meets owners operational needs and watershed objectives. Professional Services shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. The PSC shall ensure: a. The Study report shall meet the approval of DTMB, MDNR. b. PSC shall provide, at a minimum, virtual design meeting at project Kickoff, 50% and 90% completion of the study report. The PSC is responsible for the submittal of 50% and 90% Contract Documents and estimates for owner review a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the proposed review meeting dates. The 100% report and shall be provided for owner review, but a 100% review meeting is not anticipated. c. The PSC shall provide conceptual level design/construction estimates for owner review at 50%, 90%, and 100%. Review of the estimates will be required at the 50% and 90% design review meetings. Additional Requirements shall include the following: 1. Provide biweekly progress summary emails to the project team. These emails shall briefly document the prior two (2) weeks progress by the PSC and display the initial project schedule and current project schedule status. Timely minutes from all meetings will be required as per the PSCs Contract. 2. PSC shall follow DTMB naming convention of DTMB file number / project name / subject on all project documents and emails, pay requests, modifications etc. 3. PSC shall provide sufficient back-up on all invoices for labor and reimbursable expenses. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Provide a complete PSC Proposal (Technical and Cost) for all required Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in compliance with the State of Michigan, Department of Technology Management and Budget (DTMB) Project Statement Form (DTMB-0427), the DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract, the DTMB RFP Billable Rate Form (DMTB-0430), and the DTMB State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction Division (DCD) policies and procedures for the development of Contract Documents and Construction Administration. The Proposal shall include a completed PSC Assignment Form (DTMB-0410) and additional proposal documentation, which clearly outlines the PSCs scopes of services and address the items listed below. 1. The PSC shall provide a complete schedule anticipated to complete this report with this proposal. 2. Consultation/coordination with EGLE, Menominee County Road Commission and other divisions with the DNR will be required to ensure existing site use/operation is understood so the future impacts of the proposed work can be clearly accounted for. 3. Travel reimbursements and billing rates shall be in accordance with the PSCs current ISID contract. 4. PSC shall detail all labor required for the phase 100 study. a. PSC shall provide clear documentation of the number of meetings proposed during the study phase and indicate whether the meetings are proposed to be on-site or in specific electronic format if anticipated to be more than those listed above. 5. PSC shall detail all reimbursable expenses for the study. a. List and include all reimbursable expenses for construction site inspections including mileage, meals, and/or lodging if needed/allowed. b. List and include any additional recommended field reviews site, testing, or subconsulting services as reimbursable expenses. PSC may include the following services in their proposal: ALLOWANCES: Site Topography $10,000.00 Permitting Agency Coordination $1,000 (EGLE) ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: This project location is sensitive with the area residents and local area users. The design kickoff meeting needs to be held prior to commencing field work to ensure questions can be directed to the appropriate DNR Personnel. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Google Maps Westman Dam Location 2. Westman Dam Bridge Inspection Report (2021) 3. Hayward Lake Dam Inspection Reports (2014, 2019) 4. Westman Dam O&M Plan (2023) 5. Westman Dam Operating Permit (2020) 6. Westman Dam Original Plans (1952) This project will comply with all codes, standards, regulations, and workers safety rules that are administered by federal agencies (EPA, OSHA, and DOT), state agencies (DCH, EGLE,DNR, and MIOSHA), and any other local regulations and standards that may apply. The Owner desires the study to be completed as soon as possible. Please provide a proposed schedule with the PSC Proposal. Please do not submit Electronic questions . ALL questions should be emailed to Jeff Barsch at barschj@michigan.gov address no later than 2:00 p.m., Eastern on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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1924 Industrial Pkwy, Marquette, MI

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