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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Beaverton, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Beaverton is requesting sealed bids for private utility locating services for the following utilities: Streetlights, storm water, wastewater, potable and non-potable water for the Public Works Operations Division. The City expects the Proposer selected for award of contract to start work as soon as a contract is signed. Please refer to Attachment A for the City's standard form of contract. The City anticipates all work will be completed on or before 06/30/2025. The City of Beaverton reserves the right to: Reject any or all proposals not in compliance with public bidding procedures. Postpone award of the contract for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from date of proposal opening. Waive informalities in the proposals. Select the proposal which appears to be in the best interest of the City. Proposals must remain open and valid for at least 90 days from the deadline specified for submission of Proposals. In the event award is not made within 90 days, the City will send a written request to all Proposers deemed susceptible for award, asking Respondent(s) to hold their price firm for a longer specified period of time. Locate and mark City of Beaverton storm, potable and non-potable water, wastewater, and streetlight utilities. Currently, The City of Beaverton's utility locating services are being performed by Precision Locating LLC. The utilities being located under the current contract are storm, wastewater, and water. For this contract, the City is requesting streetlight locating services of the 5,000 streetlights owned by the City, in addition to storm, sewer and water. Included below is historical Information of locates that the City performed in 2020: In 2020 the City received 8,913 locates. Approximately 65% of the 8,913 locate tickets were cleared for City utilities. June 2020 total locates received were 785. Responded to 303. July 2020 total locates received were 876. Responded to 361. August 2020 total locates received were 802. Responded to 320. September 2020 total locates received were 797. Responded to 247. October 2020 total locates received were 842. Responded to 287. November 2020 total locates received were 620. Responded to 211. Question Deadline 01/25/2024 at 5:00 PM PT All questions or requests regarding the procurement process shall be directed to Michael Phillips, Purchasing Manager, (503) 526-2229, or The RFP document may be found on the City's Portal. ***Bid Event: Proposals must address all submission requirements set forth in this RFP, and must describe how the services will be provided. Page limits are noted, when relevant, and assume 81/2 x 11 - inch paper and single-spaced lines. Unless otherwise specified, no particular form is required. In order to be considered for selection and possible contract, the proposal must be complete and include the following. Joint proposals will not be accepted. Proposals that merely offer to provide services as stated in this RFP will be considered non-responsive.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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