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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Honolulu, Hawaii. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

FURNISH LABOR, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT TO TRIM/REMOVE VARIOUS TREES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF HAWAI'I FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, COUNTY OF HAWAI'I Trim approximately forty-seven (47) banyan trees and cut and remove other invasive trees within or around the banyan trees designated within the County of Hawaii right-of-way along Banyan Drive from Kamehameha Avenue to Lihiwai Street, located in the South Hilo District of the County of Hawaii; completion of all work within 60 calendar days of award, for the Department of Public Works, complete as specified: Trimming of banyan trees, approximately forty-seven (47), located within the County of Hawaii right-of-way along Banyan Drive from Kamehameha Avenue to Lihiwai Street, to include, but not limited to: Raising the canopy to approximately 25-30 feet above ground. Crown containment away from streetlights and structures.Prune the heavier side of the crown back as much as possible to better balance crown. Crown cleaning of invasive species growing within trees, removal of deadwood, thin for light and air penetration where needed. Trim any other trees encroaching into the County right-of-way, trim skyline and cut and mulch on site. An offer security deposit or bond is not required for this IFB. No bid bonds or performance bonds will be required for this IFB/RFP. Any surety or performance bond or insurance protection required by this Contract, or otherwise provided by Contractor, shall in no way limit the Contractor's responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the County as herein provided. Bidders are encouraged to submit questions in advance to enable the Purchasing Division to prepare responses; these questions should be e-mailed to the Purchasing Division at The prospective Offeror shall possess the following license(s) to cover the type of work contemplated for this IFB: A specialty contractor classification "C-27 Landscaping contractor" or a "C-27b Tree trimming and removal contractor," per Chapter 444, Hawai'i Revised Statutes. If required by the Proposal, Specifications, or Special Provisions, all prospective Offerors shall provide adequate documentation of proper licensing, which shall be submitted at the time proposals are due. Failure to include the proper and adequate documentation of licensing may result in a rejection of the offer. Question Deadline 02/06/2024 questions should be e-mailed to the Purchasing Division at



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Honolulu, HI

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