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Published January 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Hartford, Connecticut. Design plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of January 23, 2024, a design firm has been selected and this project is in the schematic design phase. Construction is expected to start in June 2024. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals, through a competitive process, from qualified contractors for network cabling upgrades Hartford Public Schools Renovate as New Project Betances Learning Lab Magnet School, EB Kennelly School and Fred D. Wish Museum School - Request for Qualifications for Architectural and Engineering Services. All inquiries may be submitted to Raymond Wiley of Colliers Project Leaders at ray.wiley@collierseng.com, (475) 301-2307 and Judy Denny of Colliers Project Leaders at judy.denny@collierseng.com, (203) 809-3835. Note: The Hartford School Building Committee anticipates shortlisting to no more than 4 architectural firms for each of the three projects described in this RFQ. It may shortlist less. Please note that submitting firms may be shortlisted individually for the three listed projects or for multiple projects. Projected to serve 440 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade, the project will take place at the existing 75,980 square foot school located at 42 Charter Oak Avenue in Hartford. The existing school will be renovated as new, per the Connecticut General Statutes, in its entirety to address long term facility issues. The auditorium will be retained and renovated with new seating, sound and lighting systems, and storage spaces. The existing gymnasium and cafeteria will be retained and renovated. All classrooms, new media center and music and art rooms will be designed for 21st century learning. All building systems will be updated for compliance with building, fire safety, and accessibility codes and high-performance building standards. The fully air-conditioned building will be made more energy efficient by replacing all light fixtures, windows, plumbing fixtures, and mechanical systems. The renovated building will include a new elevator and will update entrances and exits to be ADA-compliant. The total project budget is $43,709,774. This school will be occupied during design and construction. Projected to serve 620 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade, the project will take place at the existing 89,376 square foot Kennelly School located at 180 White Street in Hartford. The existing school will be renovated as new, per the Connecticut General Statutes, in its entirety to address long-term facility issues. Instructional spaces will be designed to meet the specific needs of the various age groups represented in the facility: early childhood, elementary, and middle school students. The renovated facility will include two Pre-Kindergarten classrooms and three classrooms for each grade level. A middle school wing will be designed for the 21st century learning. All building systems will be updated for compliance with building, fire safety, and accessibility codes and high-performance building standards. The fully air-conditioned building will be made energy efficient by replacing all light fixtures, windows, plumbing fixtures, and mechanical systems. As Kennelly School has a reputation in the arts, dedicated space will be designed for the Premier Drumline and Cadet Drumline. The auditorium will be retained and will have extensive renovation with new seating, sound and lighting systems, and storage spaces. The total project cost is estimated at approximately $51,416,225. This school will be occupied during design and construction. Projected to serve 465 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, the project will take place at the existing 91,365 square foot Wish School located at 350 Barbour Street in Hartford. The existing school will be renovated as new, per the Connecticut General Statutes, in its entirety. The current Wish Museum School is located on the site of the Hartford Circus Fire Memorial, dedicated to the tragedy that occurred on July 6, 1944. The planned instructional spaces will accommodate two Pre-Kindergarten classrooms and tree classrooms for each grade level, kindergarten through 5th grade. The library, cafeteria, and gymnasium, and nurse's office suite will be renovated. All building systems will be updated for compliance with building, fire safety, and accessibility codes and high-performance building standards. The total project cost is estimated at approximately $49,320,000. This school will be unoccupied during design and construction. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. to the District's Perris Water Filtration Plant (PWFP) Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).




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Fred D. Wish Museum School - Hartford Public Schools

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