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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. Conceptual plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

1.2 Project Description (the "Work") The University is requesting design services for a new complete street design and associated utilities of Gortner Avenue, located between Folwell Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue, as it has reached the end of its pavement life. Refer to the attached Background Slides for a planning document used with University stakeholders in preparation for this Project. We considered various street cross section options to develop a preferred option for the Gortner Avenue street corridor. The preferred cross section will provide a "complete street" with sidewalks on both sides of the street. Bike lanes will be designed in the form of unprotected, striped bike lanes on both sides of the street. The selected design team will also investigate a design alternative with a multi-use trail for both bicycle and pedestrian travel on the east side of Gortner Avenue, with a southbound/ downhill bike lane on the west side of the street. The design will prioritize preservation of existing trees along the corridor to the extent possible, in addition to preserving the location of intersections, driveways, transit stops, and other identified landscape features. The street cross section will include the following features & functions, at minimum (with widths in parentheses). o Drive lanes (10-10.5') with curbs o Sidewalks (7', without a boulevard where possible) o Crosswalks and ADA improvements to pedestrian environment o Bike lanes (6-7') with gutter pan options, and/or Multi-Use Trail (10-12') o Parking, where existing parking spaces are determined to be preserved o Truck access and through traffic, with non-standard turning movements, if any o Transit access and transit stops (Campus buses and Route 87 Metro Transit) o Light standards Design scope will also include coinciding utility improvements within the Gortner Avenue corridor, and other improvements adjacent to the corridor, including: o Chilled water main extension and connections to adjacent buildings (Dudley Ave/Hendon Ave vicinity) o Electric duct bank replacement (E/W crossing Gortner Avenue) o Separated storm sewer (Combined sewer exists in Gortner Avenue corridor from Gortner Ramp to Buford Place) o Stormwater design / drainage improvements, and redesign of existing basins o Replacement of light standards to consistent type o Improvements to building exterior features, as needed only (i.e., approach to Farm Crops Field House) This Project is not intended to be constructed until 2025. During the course of the Project, there may be other projects occurring adjacent to Gortner Avenue that could affect or be affected by this Project's design. The Design Team shall coordinate design as appropriate unless it adversely affects the scope or schedule of this Project.. A preliminary site survey has also been completed for the Gortner Avenue corridor and is included with the RFP. Design services to include a qualified, experienced, and licensed construction contractor, or others as approved by the University, during Predesign ONLY. A Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) will be selected prior to or during the Schematic Design Phase. The goals of the Predesign are: o Review, validate, and refine the Program requirements. o Establish a preliminary scope of work, probable construction cost, and construction/phasing schedule for the project. The original Contract will be for Predesign services only and amended for additional phases as funding is approved post Predesign. The Design Team is responsible to include the appropriate personnel for the described scope. Deadline for RFP Questions February 6, 2024 at Noon


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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March 1, 2024


Gortner Ave, Falcon Heights, MN

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