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Published April 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Lake in the Hills, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

All RFP related/affiliated questions must be asked through the website. You will need to be a registered Planholder to post a question. Questions are due by 2/12/2024 to receive a response for the Plote Field Netting Replacement Project RFP prior to Bid Opening. The Village of Lake in the Hills ("Village") intends to hire a qualified contractor ("Contractor") to provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to completely remove and replace with new the Plote Field netting located at 500 Grace Drive, Lake in the Hills, IL, 60156. Scott Parchutz, Public Properties Superintendent, is the Village's project manager. Netting Dimensions o All sizes, square footage, and dimensions are approximate, whereby it is incumbent on the Contractor to fieldverify these aforementioned sizes to ensure accuracy before bid submittal and the start of the project. o The poles and cables exist and are to be reused as they are not part of this project. o The Contractor shall provide all attachment hardware. o The Contractor shall remove and replace (1) panel that is approximately 25' x 65' of existing ballfield netting with a new K36T-1 3/4 "-R net with a rope-bound border treated black or an acceptable equivalent product. o The Contractor shall remove and replace (6) panels that are approximately 30' x 50' existing ballfield netting with new K36T-1 3/4 "-R nets with rope-bound borders treated black or an acceptable equivalent product. o The Contractor shall set up and install temporary construction fencing around the entire construction area. o Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the correct method to install the netting and border ropes. Other o The Village requires contractors to apply for and receive a contractor's license with the Village before work starts. o The Contractorshall be responsible for cleaning up the work site area, including removing any and all work-related debris from the site each day. o Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of any ruts or any other damage that is caused during the execution of this contract. Any damage to the infrastructure by the contractor during the terms of this contractor shall be repaired at the sole expense of the Contractor within ten (10) days of the damage. o The Contractor shall notify the Village of Lake in the Hills two weeks before the start of construction. Construction hours are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday unless otherwise authorized by the Village. No work is allowed on Saturdays or Sundays unless authorized by the Village. o The Village will not be responsible for any extra equipment rental or charges for such equipment rented by the Contractor that might be required to complete this contract, as contract pricing is not to exceed. o Unanticipated turf damage caused by the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for site restoration where all disturbed areasshall be final graded and top-dressed using clean pulverized topsoilsourced from a clean borrow source or supplier. Final grading may be completed by use of grader, machine, and or by hand raking or other similar landscape rakes, including skid steer attachments, to accomplish an even and smooth grade free of loose stone larger than ( 1/2 ) inch and debris. All depressions and tracks made by heavy machinery shall be leveled, covered with topsoil, and evenly graded to match the existing profile and contour of the property. The contractor shall use Conserve's seed mix (Axcella 2 / Sunny seed mix) or varieties of seeds % per 50 lbs. that match the following ratios: Blue Bonnet Kent 34.68 %, Esquire Perennial Rye 24.67%, Boreal Creeping Red Rye 24.77 %, Axcella 2 Annual Rye 14.97%. Apply the seed mix at the manufacturer's recommended application rate for this product, which is 5 lbs. /1000 Ft. and


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 28, 2024

March 29, 2024


500 Grace Dr, Lake in the Hills, IL

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