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Published November 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a theater / auditorium in Brunswick, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a theater / auditorium.

The City of Brunswick is interested in replacing the existing HVAC unit, a Commercial 15 SEER, located in the roof of the stage in the theatres auditorium and installing (2) 20 Ton Commercial heat pump condensing units and one (1) 39 Ton outdoor air handling unit. The project shall also include (1) smart wi-fi thermostat to control the proposed HVAC unit and sealing any ductwork modifications needed for proper installation as well. The existing system is at least 20 years old and in need of repair prior to the spring and summer seasons. This RFP seeks a general contractor to replace the HVAC unit and the contractor shall be responsible for providing all materials and labor necessary to complete the project. Questions regarding this request for proposals should be submitted in writing to Raquel McCray at rmccray@cityofbrunswick-ga.gov prior to 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. A Bid Bond of 10% of the amount of the bid must accompany the bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each in the amount of 100% of the total Contract amount Scope of Work: 1. Removal of existing Commercial 15 SEER HVAC unit. 2. Installation of (2) Ton Commercial heat pump condensing units with 460-3-60 voltage. 3. Installation of (1) 39 Ton outdoor air handling unit with double wall sealed panels, painted exterior panels and galvanized interior panels. 4. Installation of (1) smart wi-fi thermostat. 5. Replacement HVAC unit shall be Carrier (or equivalent) and capable of providing heating and cooling for a commercial space of approximately 3500 sq. ft. 6. HVAC unit is powered by the facility's 460-volt, 60-amp electric power. 7. Project shall include removal, transport, and disposal of existing HVAC unit. 8. Project shall include furnishing of the HVAC units and ancillary supplies and materials for installation. 9. Project shall include sealing any ductwork modifications needed for proper installation. 10. Contractor shall provide means and methods for safe access to work areas. 11. Contractor shall provide safe access for inspection of HVAC units. 12. Contactor shall provide safe access for inspection of the Smart wi-fi thermostat. 13. Contractor shall repair any damages to interior or exterior wall surfaces which may occur during the removal and replacement of the HVAC unit(s). Any damaged wall surfaces shall be repaired and painted to match in texture, color, and appearance of existing surfaces. 14. Contractor shall communicate with building operators and regarding scheduling of HVAC replacement. 15. Change order must be approved prior to initiating work scope. 16. The facility is fully occupied, so the contractor must plan and coordinate work schedule to provide minimal disruption to staff and patrons.


Theaters / Auditoriums


Public - City


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September 20, 2024

October 21, 2024


1530 Newcastle St, Brunswick, GA

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