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Published March 2, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various consulting firms to perform design services in 2024 and construction engineering services in 2025 for the Jackson Street project. This project will fully reconstruct the corridor from University Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue. The roadway length is approximately 0.4 mile, has an ADT of 5,800, and the corridor serves multiple modes of transportation. The project includes utility work, grading, curb and gutter work, installation of stormwater management treatments, paving, signage/striping, lighting, signal work, landscaping, and sidewalk work. The project will also include the design and construction of the Mt. Airy transit station. The project team will need to work closely with the Purple Line Project Office to accomplish this. Design work includes the development of a layout, signed plans, specifications, community engagement, right-of-way work, utility coordination, and development of a cost estimate. This contract will require construction engineering services which include, but are not limited to surveying and staking, construction inspection, materials testing, preparing and submitting paperwork for payment and change-orders, resolving field issues, and coordinating work with city staff and a contractor. This work must be done in the prescribed timeline. The selected firm must must have experience administering projects of this type. Don Pflaum from St. Paul Public Works will be the contract manager for this work. Community engagement needs will be significant for this project as there are numerous community groups and property owners that will need to be part of this process including the Capital Area Architectural and Planning Board, Regions Hospital, St. Paul Public Housing, and several neighborhood groups/housing associations. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various consulting firms to perform design services in 2024 and construction engineering services in 2025 for the Jackson Street project. This project will fully reconstruct the corridor from University Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue. The roadway length is approximately 0.4 mile, has an ADT of 5,800, and the corridor serves multiple modes of transportation. The project includes utility work, grading, curb and gutter work, installation of stormwater management treatments, paving, signage/striping, lighting, signal work, landscaping, and sidewalk work. The project will also include the design and construction of the Mt. Airy transit station. The project team will need to work closely with the Purple Line Project Office to accomplish this. The purpose of the project is to reconstruct the roadway in accordance to modal and community needs. Reconstruction also allows for public and private utilities to be improved. Attachment A shows a map of the project. Project Description: The project will include the following elements: 1) A bikeway along the east side of the corridor. 2) New pavement surface and lane configurations. 3) A new retaining wall at Valley Street. 4) Installation of stormwater management retention treatments, manhole rehabilitation or reconstruction, relocated catch basins, and new curb and gutter. 5) Roadway reconstruction work including new traffic control devices and lighting. 6) Subgrade improvements. 7) New trees and additional green space in new boulevards. 8) Water connections will be done in coordination with the project. 9) Coordination with private utilities along the project. 10) Development of the Purple Line Mt. Airy station, which may include property acquisition. 11) Traffic Calming and an improved bus stop along L'Orient Street The total project budget is $6,890,000 and will be financed using Sales Tax funding. RFP Question close date: Friday, February 23, 2024. Addenda due date: Friday, March 1, 2024 Design and community engagement will occur in 2024. Bids for this project will be let in Winter 2024/2025 and a contract will be awarded before construction begins in April 2025. The contractor will be required to prepare and present a detailed schedule to the project team showing when each task will be performed in accordance with the project phasing. All construction work must be completed by October 31, 2025. The following timelines should be met. Quarter 1, 2024 - Exploration work and community enagement leading to a draft layout Quarter 2, 2024 - Continued community enagagement and completion of 30% plans Quarter 3, 2024 - Completion of 60% plans Quarter 4, 2024 - Completion of 90% plans and final estimate Quarter 1, 2025 - Completion of plans and bid documents to solicit bids. Quarters 2 - 4, 2025 - Project Construction Quarter 1 - 2, 2026 - Project close-out Survey and staking work will need to take place in accordance with the contractor's schedule. All paperwork must be completed in a timely manner and all change orders and pay items must also be completed promptly to comply with state law. As previously mentioned an inspector must be present at all times in which the contractor is doing work. A primary inspector should be assigned to the project for the duration of the project. Record drawings must be submitted within 90 days of the completion of the project. This contract will begin on January 1, 2024 and will expire on December 31, 2026 to allow for close out activities. This Request for Proposal (RFP) does not obligate the City of Saint Paul to award a contract or complete the proposed project and each reserves the right to cancel this RFP if it is considered to be in its best interest. Proposals must be clear and concise. Proposals that are difficult to follow or that do not conform to the RFP format or binding specifications may be rejected. Responding Vendors must include the required information called for in this RFP. City of Saint Paul reserves the right to reject a proposal if required information is not provided or is not organized as directed. The City of Saint Paul also reserves the right to waive minor informalities and reserves the right to: 1. Reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP; 2. Select a proposal for contract negotiation other than the one with the lowest cost; 3. Negotiate any aspect of the proposal with any Vendor; 4. Terminate negotiations and select the next most responsive Vendor for contract negotiations; 5. Terminate negotiations and prepare and release a new RFP; 6. Terminate negotiations and take such action as deemed appropriate. Any decision to cancel or reject any and all proposals is in The City of Saint Paul's sole discretion. The City of Saint Paul also reserves the right to change the evaluation criteria or any other provision in this RFP by posting notice of the change(s) on the www.stpaulbids.com. Vendors should check the site daily for updates (e.g. amendments, responses to questions) and are expected to review information on the site carefully before submitting a final proposal. Such changes or updates above constitutes written notice to each Vendor. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work

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April 1, 2025


Multiple Locations, Saint Paul, MN

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