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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Wilton, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Technical Inquiries: Wayne Titus, Interim Public Works Director - (603) 654-6602 In general, the Scope of Work to be performed under this Contract includes reclamation, fine grade, and paving of approximately: Captain Clark Road 1,650' X 21' (Potter Road to gravel), Highfields Road 1,370' X 25'(start at Abbott Hill Rd), Orchard View Drive 558' X 24' (start at Abbott Hill Rd), Samantha Way 528' X 24" (start at Abbott Hill Rd), Ledgewood Road 2,285' X 21' (start at Captain Clark Rd) Macintosh Drive 850' 24' (start at Badger Farm Rd) and related work. Technical or administrative questions should be directed to this IFB's main contacts listed on the cover page; administrative questions will be handled by the Town Administrator while technical questions will be referred to the Wilton Highway Department's Public Works Director. Highly specific e-mailed or typed questions are strongly preferred, and should reference the section the respondent wants clarified. Responses that are deemed reasonably able to affect competitiveness for this IFB will be released as addenda. As part of the bidding selection process, the Town of Wilton may require (from the top three selections) a summary of work obligations and equipment resources to assure substantial completion and completion of work dates can realistically be met. o Substantial Completion of all roads listed above shall be September 30, 2024; and o Final Completion of all Contract Work shall be achieved not later than October 15, 2024. This Work consists of and generally involves; o Reclaiming shall be full depth reclamation. o fine grading to a specified slope prior to paving, the slope tolerance shall be around 0.2+- percent. o compacting, o paving two (2") compacted inches of three-quarter ( 3/4 ") base asphalt and o one and one half (1 1/2 ") compacted inch of 1/2 " top coat on o Captain Clark Road, (1,650'x21'), o Highfields Rd (1,370'x25'), o Orchard View Drive (558'x24'), o Samantha Way 528'x24') o Ledgewood Road 2,285'x21') and o Macintosh Drive (850'x24'). Compaction of reclaimed base course materials shall be done with adequate water and uniformly applied. When vibratory equipment is used, the compaction process shall be adjusted to avoid causing damage or complaints to adjacent buildings or property. All over burden during Fine Grading shall be removed with assistance by the Wilton DPW. It is the town's intent that this RFP shall permit competition. It shall be the respondent's responsibility to advise the Town Administrator ( in writing if any language, requirement, specification, etc., or any combination thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits awarding this project to one source The Select Board of the Town of Wilton reserves the right to reject all or any part of any or all proposals, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, and to accept any proposal that it deems to be in the best interest of the Town of Wilton.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Wilton, NH

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