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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lumsden, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Supply Type 108 traffic gravel and load, haul and spread in Divisions 1, 4 and 5 of the RM of Lumsden No. 189. Do not commence work until you have consulted with the Public Works Manager. Work should be completed no later than September 30, 2024, unless otherwise directed by the RM. Follow-up work may be required in the fall due to inclement weather conditions or construction projects. Approximate quantities are 150,000 MT miles hauling and 18,000 metric tonnes (MT) of supplying and loading. The units to be measured and paid for are based upon a metric ton (2205 lbs). The method of measurement for supplying gravel will be the actual metric tonnes as weighed over a scale prior to hauling and spreading. The total cost for spreading will be calculated as the actual x (times) the number of miles of gravel spread in each division x (times) the unit price. The contractor is to supply a scale for measuring the tonnage of each truck which is to haul and spread gravel to the R.M. The scale shall be certified prior to hauling and spreading operations and all trucks shall have the tare weight taken prior to hauling and spreading. Truck drivers shall provide one copy of the tickets to the RM Public Works Manager (the 'Manager') daily before the end of the day. The Manager will provide a map of the gravel to be spread on the roads prior to the hauling and spreading. The contractor must provide forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to commencing hauling and spreading operations. The aggregate shall be composed of sound, hard and durable particles of sand, gravel and rock free from injurious quantities of elongated, soft or flaky particles, shale, loam, clay balls and organic or other deleterious material. All communications and questions for clarification regarding the contents of this RFQ shall be forwarded by email to the individual noted below: Monica Merkosky Chief Administrative Officer RM of Lumsden No.189 The Contractor shall, at no cost to the municipality, adequately insure all vehicles used and required to perform the work. Evidence of coverage must be provided to the Municipality prior to commencing work. The contractor is required to obtain Comprehensive General Public Liability coverage with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence or incident. The RM reserves the right to: a) Suspend or cancel the RFQ at any time for any reason without penalty. b) Reject any and all bids or accept any bid or part thereof and may award all or a portion of the work to one or more proponent. c) Waive any informalities, formalities, technicalities or to reject any or all proposals based on the Vendor's lack of proven experience, performance on similar projects or the suitability of proceeding with the execution of the work. d) Disqualify Bidders if there is an existing or recent business or personal relationship which can be perceived as causing a conflict of interest. Proposals shall contain declarations of conflict of interest. e) If several Bidders submit bids in substantially the same amount, or should proposals be evaluated equally, the RM may, at its sole discretion, call upon those Bidders to submit further bids.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 29, 2024

March 28, 2024


Multiple Locations, Lumsden, SK

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