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Published August 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Savannah, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

READI: Responsive Emergency Action for Disaster and Infrastructure INDUSTRY DAY ANNOUNCEMENT The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Savannah District (SAS) is hosting an Industry Day event to exchange knowledge with the construction community. The South Atlantic Division (SAD) responds to various disasters and dynamic infrastructure challenges, but lacks a purpose-built contracting tool uniquely designed to address the complex and region-specific challenges encountered in its Area of Responsibility (AOR). The READI contract aims to improve the speed and efficiency of delivering crucial infrastructure projects and eliminate the reliance on existing contract vehicles, which are managed externally and are not tailored to the distinct needs of SAD. The proposed contract vehicle would be available to all SAD Districts to respond to dynamic requirements. Background: The Contractor(s) as part of a MATOC Pool will provide all design, management, supervision, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary for the performance of the requirement. This may include construction management and administration. Some of the work may be fast-track and rapid response Design-Build requiring appropriate design services to prepare specifications and drawings to perform the construction efforts. The specific requirements will be identified on a Task Order basis. The work under this MATOC is expected to be performed within the CONUS (AL, GA, FL, NC, SC) and OCONUS (Puerto Rico and USVI) military and civil construction boundaries of SAD. This MATOC may be used to acquire time-sensitive disaster, life and safety related repair, and emergency assistance construction activities within the SAD AOR. Contractors as part of the MATOC Pool, must have the ability to mobilize personnel, equipment, and materials within a 48-to-72-hour timeframe of receiving the Notice to Proceed. The MATOC may potentially be used anywhere within the SAD's AOR. The general type of work under this MATOC will be primarily Construction. Work under this contract may be expected to include incidental demolition and site preparation, vertical and horizontal new construction, renovations, and repairs on real property facilities including all standard features of work required by Unified Facilities Criteria (UFCs), building codes, and standard designs. Demolition only task orders may be required during life and safety related repair and emergency assistance construction activities. While the preponderance of the work is Construction, incidental work may be required. This work may include the following but not be limited to, carpentry, painting, lighting, and similar minor electrical work that may be required to provide a complete, safe, and usable facility during and after the course of construction, repairs, and/or renovation. Additionally, any testing, reports, and surveys associated with the following: new construction, renovation, rehabilitation of, repairs and additions to, buildings (including lead and asbestos), structures, roads (including traffic/pedestrian patterns), drainage systems, mechanical systems and utility systems may be required. Industry Day Event Information: The Industry Day Event will be held at 8:00 AM on 24 July 2024, at the Hampton Inn and Suites by Hilton Savannah Historic District located at 603 West Oglethorpe Ave, Savannah, GA 31419. *Additional Event details including agenda, presentation, and virtual attendance information will be forthcoming. All interested firms, please complete the following survey by 19 July 2024. Input will be consolidated and utilized to facilitate further discussion and finalize acquisition planning. https://forms.osi.apps.mil/r/hYL3F24tvx To register for the event, please email Ms. Courtney Messer at courtney.e.messer@usace.army.mil with the following - Firm name Name(s) and contact information of the individuals attending on behalf of your firm. This announcement is not a contract solicitation, request for proposal of any sort, a promise to issue any future contract, or a commitment to offer work of any kind on the part of the US Government. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.

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August 19, 2024


To Be Determined, Savannah, GA

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