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Published July 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Flint, Michigan. Working plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

**As of July 11, 2024 no bid has been awarded for this RFP. Bassett Park, located in Flint, MI, is a 37-acre park consisting of two baseball diamonds, a large playground, and four tennis courts. The park has been under limited maintenance since the financial emergency of the city in 2010.The purpose of the bid is for resurfacing and fencing repairs for three of four tennis courts located at Bassett Park in Flint, Michigan. Court four will be converted into a mini-pitch field. All written questions shall be directed to Lauren Rowley, Purchasing Manager by Friday May 10, 2024, by 10am EST to lrowley@cityofflint.com. The City of Flint, Finance Department of Purchases & Supplies, is Soliciting Sealed Bids for Providing: Bassett Park Tennis Court Resurfacing - (Rebid) Per the Attached Additional Requirements. If your firm is interested in providing the requested services, please submit: Submit to City: 1 original, printed, signed, original proposals and signed addenda 2 additional copies unbound 1 electronic copy Site Needs The existing tennis courts have had limited maintenance for many decades, leading to a decline in the surfacing and fencing. Below is a sequence of work to be performed. 1) Site Security a. The entire project area is to be kept secure and safe from public access by means of fencing and signage. 2) Site preparation a. Remove existing tennis court post and existing asphalt 1 foot from the center of the post by saw cutting. Remove everything at least 8 inches down minimum. b. Saw cut every crack that is greater than 0.5 inches 6 inches from the center (1 foot total). There is approximately 930 feet of cracks that will need to be sawed cut. i. Remove dirt and debris at least 8 inches down. ii. Any trees growing in the cracks, remove the entire roots to ensure nothing will grow back. iii. Fill cracks with 3 inches of 22AA Limestone. iv. Fill remainder of crack with HMA asphalt, minimum 5 inches. c. After crack preparations, the entire court surface area is to be pressure-washed clean with a detergent used to remove dirt and any algae growth. 3) Resurfacing a. Apply Tack Coat: SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1 or CSS-1h b. Apply 1 3/4 inch of HMA asphalt that has a maximum aggregate size of 1/2 inch. 4) Surfacing Material Application a. Apply one coat of industry-standard acrylic re-surfacer over the entire court surface. b. Color - Green c. Surfacing Material to cure per manufacturer recommendations. d. Paint only where the two tennis courts will be located. 5) Line Striping a. Color - White b. Width - Per USTA standards c. Dimensions - Per USTA recreational court dimensions. d. 2 courts will be painted in this fashion 6) Netting a. Install nets/poles per USTA recreational standards. b. This will be only done on the two courts. 7) There will be one mini pitch and two tennis courts when completed. Mini Pitch will have dimensions of dimensions of 60'x104' with a 4 foot gap on all sides of the structure.

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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