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Published March 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and remodeling of a mixed-use development in Coeur D Alene, Idaho. Completed plans call for the remodel of a development; and for site work for a development.

Sir/Ma'am, I am soliciting for an office lobby remodeling in Coeur d Alene, ID. The magnitude of the job is less than $25,000.00 and requires work to be completed within 60 days of contract award. If your company is interested please fill out and return request for quote 1240LU24Q0015 Fernan lobby remodel (Form 1442 blocks 14-20c, section B, and section K- if you don't have an up to date SAM registration). I also request the experience questionnaire be filled out for references. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. If you would like to visit the office first to see the job requirements please email or call Tyson.Steigers@usda.gov or 208-215-6040 All work shall be completed no later than 60 days after NTP. A notice to proceed will be given after project award and a work schedule will be require The open design of the lobby is outdated and more security measures are needed to ensure employees safety and privacy. The contractor shall provide all services and materials to accomplish all remodel items in the main lobby of the Fernan Ranger Station. All materials used must match existing office aesthetics. Any material left over from removing existing features will be disposed of by the contractor. Improvements are to include: 1-Sand and stain all new wood doors to match existing door finish. 2-Replacing the steel mesh pocket door on east side of the north wall with a solid-core wood pocket door with a latch and locking hardware that matches the hardware on the existing wood pocket. Installing an alignment cup or channel on both pocket door openings to facilitate ease of latching mechanism when closed. 3-Remove a section of the receptionist workstation countertop and partition wall to provide clear egress to the pocket door for receptionist staff. Rebuild partition to wrap around edge of countertop. 4-Reframing and replacing the half door by the front desk with a solid core, birch door and installing a buzz-in strike-plate locking mechanism that can be operated by front desk administrative staff. 5-Replacing the security half-door on the east side of the lobby with a full framed, solid core door that is compatible with existing keypad and strike-plate locking mechanism. 6-Installing wood louvers, finished to match existing wood features, in the open gap between the hallway half wall and the ceiling that provides adequate privacy to employees moving about the facility and maintain airflow.


Conservation and Development


Public - Federal

Remodeling, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 20, 2024

April 1, 2024


2502 E Sherman Ave, Coeur D Alene, ID

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