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Published March 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a transportation facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the addition of a transportation facility; for the demolition of a transportation facility; for the renovation of a transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is seeking a qualified airport consulting team to provide design and construction administration services ("Services") for the third phase of gate expansions to Concourse A. It is essential that the design and configuration of the concourse has adequate aircraft parking depth, taxi lane circulation, and service vehicle circulation, in order to ensure an efficient operation, as well as provide flexibility for changes in aircraft fleet mix, design requirements, and potential changes in forecasted growth. Concourse A Expansion Phase III (also referred to as "CAP3") will be served by one taxi lane to and from the airfield. The scope of work entails the site work and building infrastructure of a seven-gate concourse with a connecting corridor to Concourse A Expansion Phase II, currently under construction. The site is constrained by an existing railroad and the airport fuel farm to the north, the airport entrance road to the east, existing concourses and apron to the south and existing a taxiway and runway to the west. The building design shall coordinate with the concurrent design of the associated aircraft apron. See Exhibit A-1 for project location. The apron level, or ramp level, will be approximately 20,000 square feet of conditioned space and house operational support spaces that may include functions such as storage, airline offices, baggage handling systems, aircraft and general support equipment (GSE) maintenance, in addition to a loading dock operation and its associated components. The ramp level design will require knowledge of aircraft parking and maneuverability, pavement markings, aircraft and GSE fueling operations, passenger boarding bridge logistics, and an overall understanding of airside operations and design guidelines required by governing authorities. The boarding level, or ticketing level, will be approximately 40,000 square feet plus an extensive connecting corridor to Concourse A Expansion Phase II. This level will include hold room areas for (7) gates with aircraft loading at the south and west ends of the concourse. This level will also include concessions spaces, restrooms, and vertical circulation while the connector portion will provide moving sidewalks to and from the terminal building. This passenger-facing level will require particular attention to hold room layouts, signage and wayfinding, and experiential design elements. A mezzanine level may be required for additional support space needs. The design team will be required to coordinate with concurrent planning efforts being carried out by the Airport that relate to and are impacted by this project. The expansion shall make accommodations to receive a potential connection to a new terminal processor in the future or provide alternatives without a processor utilizing a system of moving walkways to move passengers to and from the existing main terminal. The Airport will provide all available records of existing conditions, including site utility locations. However, if any additional data is required above and beyond what is provided by the Airport, it will be the responsibility of the design team. Question Deadline 03/14/2024 at 5:00 PM ET. Questions regarding the City's DBE Program should be directed to: Jasmyne Turman, CLGPO, Office of Civil Rights Manager Charlotte Douglas International Airport P.O. Box 19066 Charlotte, NC 28219 Telephone: (704) 359-4362 Email: Jasmyne.Turman@cltairport.com. The point of contact for all submissions and correspondence regarding this RFQ will be as follows: RFQ Project Manager - Gary Peeples Email: Gary.Peeples@cltairport.com. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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March 28, 2025


5501 Josh Birmingham Pkwy, Charlotte, NC

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