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Published March 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Questions Due: March 22, 2024 Notice of Award: April 12, 2024 Cheyenne Regional Airport dba Legend AeroServe is soliciting proposals from vendors of airport ground service equipment (GSE) to provide the Airport with a Tier 4 Diesel 28 VDC Ground Power Unit (or equivalent). Cheyenne Regional Airport dba Legend AeroServe requires a ground power unit to serve general aviation aircraft. The ground power unit will increase reliability of service and improve sustainability of the airport. Additionally, there are no airport owned backups for the existing ground power unit, which is an important service required to maintain an electrical power supply when the aircraft engine is not running or for startup. The airport reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposer, alter the scope of work, to waive informalities and irregularities in the Proposal submission process to the extent permitted by law, to extend the date for submittal or responses, to request additional information from any or all Proposers, to supplement, amend or otherwise modify the RFP prior to the closing date and time, to cancel this request with or without the substitution of another RFP, to re-solicit or cancel the procurement process, and accept a Proposal which is considered to be in the best interest of the Airport. All Proposals will be time-stamped upon receipt and any Proposals received after the time specified above will be returned unopened. All responsive Proposals become the property of the Airport and must be provided without cost to the Airport. Except as otherwise provided herein, Proposals that are incomplete or which are not in conformance with the law, may be rejected as non-responsive. Any Proposal submitted will be deemed to be valid for a period of up to 90 days following the close date of the RFP. Timely Proposals received shall be subject to applicable laws and regulations governing public disclosure. Submission of a Proposal indicates Acceptance by the Proposer of the conditions contained in this RFP, and the intent to enter into a Contract with the Airport. This RFP does not obligate the Airport to enter a Contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a Proposal pursuant to this RFP or incurred in subsequent negotiations. It is the intent of the Airport to negotiate a Contract with the Proposer it deems most beneficial to the Airport. During the Proposal evaluation process, the Airport may request additional information or clarification from Proposers. The purpose of this request is to invite prospective vendors to submit a proposal to supply a Tier 4 Diesel 28 VD GPU (or equivalent) to Cheyenne Regional Airport. The Airport is interested in obtaining a mobile ground power unit for general aviation. Minimum Specifications: EPA Tier 4 Final compliant diesel engine (or equivalent). 600-800 amps continuous and 2,000 amps peak. Engine protection (high temperature, low oil, overvoltage, etc.). Constructed for outdoor use in all weather conditions. Mounted on towable trailer with pintle hitch. User + service manual. Comprehensive 12-month warranty. Cold weather protection (block heater). The Vendor shall also provide the following as requested for all Airport RFPs: If applicable, provide continual or annual cost such as warranties or service contracts. Description of its invoicing process. Invoices should itemize line items by building location. An opportunity for Cheyenne Regional Airport to complete a final inspection before acceptance of the work/product. The Vendor will arrange for the return of all damaged or miss-shipped items. There will be no restocking fee for the return of items damaged or shipped by the vendor in error. All items returned will be credited to the invoice within 14 days of receipt. Available financing options and terms. If applicable, no less than three (3) days of training to ensure adequate education of all personnel at the expense of the company providing the equipment to Cheyenne Regional Airport. Cheyenne Regional Airport reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, without incurring any cost of liability whatsoever, and to waiver informalities and minor irregularities in bids received. The Cheyenne Regional Airport shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits and other attachments, in their original form in any archival copy. Any modifications of these, in the vendor's submission, is grounds for immediate disqualification.


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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3913 Evans Ave, Cheyenne, WY

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Aircraft 28 VDC mobile Ground Power Unit (GPU)

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